To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 162

Chapter 162 You Only Have Yourself to Blame

They had drinks in a restaurant on the second floor of a hotel.

Yvonne poured Alec some wine. “Come on, drink with me. I don’t know if we’ll be able to eat and drink like this in the future.”

She was so sad that she almost burst into tears. Alec couldn’t stand the sight, so he didn’t refuse the wine glass she handed over.

“Alec, if I make a big mistake in the future, will you forgive me?” Yvonne watched Alec finish the glass of wine, feeling uneasy. She knew Alec well, so she knew how horrible he became when enraged. However, she had no choice but to take a risk. What if she succeeded?

Alec looked at her thoughtfully. “Yvonne, you have made many mistakes. I hope it won’t happen again.” “Does that mean you’re not going to forgive me?” Yvonne asked, her voice filled with anguish and hatred. If Jenny hadn’t entered their lives, she wouldn’t be in this lowly position. She had ruined everything for Yvonne. Now that Alec wouldn’t protect her, Yvonne knew there was only one path left for her to take.

Oblivious to her thoughts, Alec frowned when he heard her question. “No, no one will tolerate you forever. Not even me.”

and Yvonne brought warmth into his life when he was a child, it

all too well. Filling his glass again, she

drank too

glass.” Yvonne looked at him with tears in her eyes.

his wine glass. “I’ll take you

wine, Alec got ready to send Yvonne back, but she still didn’t get

only have yourself to blame. I have

did you say?” Alec didn’t


ask her to get ready to leave when a wave of dizziness hit him, causing him to stumble. His vision of Yvonne became blurry. As he held the table in support,

just a little something to put you to sleep.” Grinning,

tried to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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