To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 187

Chapter 187 Emerging From the Backlight

The man approached them until he was standing right in front of her.

“Alec…Faust?” She stared at the familiar face in disbelief and wondered if it was an illusion.

“Yes. Can you walk?” He was overcome by an inexplicable mix of emotions when he found her safe and sound. He wanted so badly to pull her into an embrace, but he decided to act cautiously, worried that she might flinch at his touch.

She nodded at him in a daze and didn’t ask questions about his arrival. She looked at Justin in her arms.” Can you lift him out?”

“Sure,” Alec readily agreed and took Justin from her. However, he waited for her to go with him. It took. him much difficulty to get to her, and he wanted to make sure she was in his sight.

on the wall and limped behind him as she endured the pain from her right calf. Noticing her limping, he halted

not that close to each

on my back. Or, I’ll let him go and

paused to deliberate, for she knew he could definitely execute the threat. She clenched her jaw and warned

she quickly got on his back, especially knowing

it still felt like a long walk due

then, without asking Jenny, he lifted her in his arms and walked out through the opening. Locked in his embrace, she could smell him. She couldn’t put

escaped successfully, he looked at her with worry. She shook. her head and found it difficult to look into his eyes. “Are you okay?

wasn’t running a fever-she was blushing because Alec was carrying her in his arms under the eyes of the villagers, embarrasing her further. She nudged him.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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