To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 216

Chapter 216 The Devil Himself

“She likes you, but you already know that.” Marigold had turned to Jenny for help because she most definitely had already told Gilbert about how she felt but was faced with his rejection.

Gilbert scoffed. “Likes me? Who knows if it’s a trap set by the Wagners? They’ve always done

underhanded things to achieve their goals.”

Were the Wagners that pathetic? Before Jenny could think of a reason, Alec walked over. “That’s not right of you to say, Gilbert. Who hasn’t done underhanded things in the business world? And that includes you.”

Marigold stood next to Alec, her eyes reddened. Evidently, she had heard Gilbert’s words.

Wagner. People even say that you’re like brothers. Of course you’d stick up for them,” Gilbert said sarcastically. His words implied that he turned up his nose at the Wagners, and now,

said, “So what if we’re close? Do

can I say?” Gilbert sneered. “There’s a saying, birds of a feather flock together. With all that time spent with

to hear this anymore. Out of the Wagners, she and Paul were the closest. She couldn’t bear

the Wagners? He has blood on

didn’t know how Paul took charge of the Wagners,

was her brother, and one was her crush. For

blood on your brother’s hands, it’s the blood of the

as her own brother. If

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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