To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 316

Chapter 316 Will You Fulfill My Wishes?

Jenny felt as if a thousand needles were pricking her. She could guess what Alec was going to say, and her palms grew sweaty.


“Hear me out, Jenny.” Alec cut her off, and Jenny pursed her lips, not saying anything else. “To be frank, I sometimes wonder if destiny is at play with us. But I’ve never figured out the answer.” He smiled like he was laughing at himself. “And then I thought, is that really important?” He shook his head. “I don’t think it is. Because right now, I like you. A lot. I’m sure that you’re the one I’ve been. looking for. I appeared by your side even if you hated me in the beginning because I knew that if I lost you again, I’d never find someone else that I liked so much.”

Alec was stili talking, but Jenny no longer had the heart to listen. She knew what would happen next but hadn’t thought of her answer. Could she and Alec truly start over? Could she really believe this man, who had once neglected her and caused their marriage to fail?

She couldn’t come up with an answer just yet. She wished that Alec would stop and keep his words to himself, so she would have more time to think.

please give me a chance. Let me start by being your boyfriend.” He didn’t propose immediately because he knew that it was too sudden. Jenny would never be able to accept it. He also wanted to take things slowly. They could start off by

breaking out into a sweat. “Do

just go with the flow?” Alec was extremely nervous. He was afraid that Jenny would reject him. If he were to be rejected now, he didn’t know

and looked around her, discovering the lights had turned dim. Roses surrounded them, showing that early preparations had been made. She pointed at

crash,” Alec answered. He was a little embarrassed. “It

this was the formidable Mr. Faust? He

he tell you how to confess, too?” Jenny was about to

chose this because he thought it was quiet and would suit Jenny’s personality. “You can tell me if anything is lacking. I’ll make it up to you.” He was in a panic; if

how antsy he was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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