To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 210

Chapter 210 I’m Not Done

When Jenny returned to the private room, Yvonne was already cradled in Sam’s arms. The moment she appeared, she could feel his glare on her.

She smiled and walked over serenely. “What’s wrong, Ms. Dickman?”

“Jenny, I know I’ve done you wrong before, but I’ve already apologized. You said you’ve forgiven me. So why…” she sobbed, letting her red face be on display.

Sam’s mood was ruined. Her gaze on Jenny was almost venomous.

Jenny burst into laughter. “Surely you’re not going to say that I hit you?”

“I can’t do anything if you won’t admit it. There are no surveillance cameras in the washroom. I have no proof.” Yvonne looked extremely pitiful.

Sam held her tightly and glared at Jenny coldly. “I thought you were someone who kept their promises. I didn’t expect you to slap her once I turned my back. You’ve truly opened my eyes today. Don’t you think it’s despicable to go back on your words?”

reaction to Sam’s

you think the truth is whatever Yvonne says? Do you think that no one has Jenny’s back? As he spoke, he walked over to

to describe what she was feeling. Although this was something she could handle, and

by her side. I don’t want to be enemies with her. I

if she did hit you? What

by his words. It

Yvonne, and Sam shielded her at

things to say to Yvonne.” Jenny smiled lightly, looking at her.

eyes were bloodshot, and she pointed at the marks on her face. “It’s

there to lie about?”

that answer, Jenny nodded in satisfaction. Just as Yvonne was pondering over the meaning

right arm and slapped

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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