To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 208

Chapter 208 Yvonne’s Intentions

How to address Alec really stumped Jenny. She thought of several names in her mind, but none of them seemed appropriate.

“I think Mr. Faust is the best,” Jenny said with a smile. She was unable to think of anything better.

Alec’s face fell. Jenny had spent so much time thinking that he thought she would come up with a good


Seeing that he was getting angry, Jenny quickly said, “I’ll just call you by your name.”

Although he was still unsatisfied, Alec accepted it.

the car pulled into the restaurant Yvonne had invited Jenny to. They got out of the car and walked inside together. A

surprised to see Alec. “Alec, I knew you would accompany

gestured for the two to sit down. Jenny noticed that there were four sets of tableware on the table. Yvonne wasn’t lying; she really had guessed

asked the waiter to bring out the food. Then,

purpose because I had feelings for you, but now I’m married, and I really like Sam. I won’t bother you

believe a word from Yvonne and decided to say nothing. After

be great if you

worry, I’ve already thought it through. I’ll live a good life with Sam from now on. Regarding my family…” She looked uneasy when she mentioned the Dickmans. However, she quickly recovered. “Since I’m already married, I have nothing to do with the Dickmans. Whether they

Yvonne would ask Alec for help, especially since she had

with affection. From their


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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