To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 309

Chapter 309 What Do You Want to Talk About?

Alec wouldn’t admit to Jenny that he only agreed because Max promised to stop harassing her. It was absurd, but Alec went along with it anyway.

“It seems his acting skills aren’t very convincing. If anyone from the Pearson family catches wind of this, they will start speculating.” Alec changed the subject, ignoring Jenny’s previous comment.

Jenny shot him a quick glance, but she didn’t press further when he remained quiet.

“You don’t need my help with the Blooms anymore?” Alec asked, concerned that Jenny might not be able to handle it alone. He wanted to assist her but didn’t want to interfere with her plans either.

Jenny pulled out her phone, opened her photo album, and handed it to Alec. “No, I found a lead.” She had been keeping an eye on the Blooms’ home and finally discovered some useful information.

Alec studied the photo and furrowed his brow. “Who is this?”

few people know about

to instigate

before shaking her head. “Not exactly. The Blooms don’t seem to have a great relationship with

if she’s content with how things are?” Alec asked, aware that not everyone

time of not being recognized

and do it. Regardless of success or failure, I’ll support you.” The

gratefully. It was great to have someone who always had

behind them, Max and Jade

what Max and Jenny had said earlier. She could

mind, Max asked casually, “There’s a movie theater upstairs. Do

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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