Chapter 331 Shut Your Mouth

Alec was already waiting at the door when Jenny arrived at the bar.

“I knew you wouldn’t have the heart to leave me here alone.” He smiled, walking toward her. He took Jenny’s bag and led her inside.

“Don’t be so presumptuous. I’m here to keep an eye on you so that you won’t go behind my back.” Jenny followed Alec as they made their way to the second floor.

Alec wasn’t angry at her remark. Instead, he nodded in agreement. “That’s good. I do need someone to keep an eye on me.”

If Jenny hadn’t come, his buddies would have gotten him some female escorts. Although he wasn’t interested, he would feel uncomfortable with strangers sitting beside him. Fortunately, she showed up.

As they pushed open the door to the private room, everyone inside looked at them. Alec led Jenny in and introduced her as his girlfriend. The group chuckled and greeted her. Jenny smiled and greeted them back.

them in turn. “From left to right, they are Lance Quealy, Spencer Nixon, and Yosef Jones. I’ve known them for many years, and we often

friends, they were certainly not as close to him as Paul. Jenny nodded, having some impression

girlfriend Alec has officially

go. Jenny also raised her glass and took a sip, only to discover

at him in response, assuming Alec probably prepared the juice.

out to socialize. We’re all easy to get along with,”

“Sure.” Jenny nodded.

seat, Lance came to greet her with his

willing to approach her. Jenny could almost immediately sense that he didn’t

about you, Miss Walter. Otherwise, Alec wouldn’t bring

word. He was Alec’s friend, so she had to put

Jenny could answer, he continued, “How much do doctors make these days? I bet you’re over the moon

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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