Chapter 352 | Just Don’t Want You to Tire Yourself

Alec gently placed Jenny on the couch. “Where’s the injury?”

“Here. Waist.” Jenny pointed at her side. Alec wouldn’t be able to see it directly as her clothes had covered it.

Alec’s brows furrowed in worry. He wanted to look at the injury, but Jenny wasn’t letting him.

“Don’t worry. They’ve already taken care of it at the hospital.”

“Alright. I believe you.” Alec knew Jenny just didn’t want to undress, so he wouldn’t force her.

“How did you know I was hurt?” Jenny asked curiously. Alec wouldn’t have asked this out of the blue, right?

The man set a glass of water before her, then answered, “You said that you were eating with Morgan, but when you sent me your location, it was at the hospital.”

Jenny asked incredulously. Did Alec come to that conclusion just from

guessed something had happened to Jenny when she made it known that

Miller Little…

gritted his teeth at the thought of him.

The police have arrested him,

Alec gritted out,

do anything now,” Jenny begged quietly. She didn’t want Alec dirtying his

sighed. He was still upset with Miller Little, but he knew Jenny would only get more upset about that, so

“Thank you.”

hurt?” Alec suddenly

hurt a bit just now, but not anymore.”

her nose playfully. “How

and looked away from the affectionate touch. “Have you had dinner?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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