Chapter 1290 You’re Inviting Yourself

The car rolled to a stop in front of Zack’s villa. Jenny told Janet, “Rest well.

Have a good sleep. Zack might already be awake by the time you’re up.” “Okay.” Nodding, Janet left the car. Jenny let Alec drive away only after she watched Janet enter the villa.

On their way back, Alec joked, “I thought you hated her. Looks like you’ve accepted her.”

“Well, she must be someone he loves dearly if he’s willing to give up his life for her. If so, why should I hate her? I should accept her instead.”

If she refused to change her attitude, she might alienate herself from Janet, or worse, Zack. Every individual had the right to make their personal decisions. It might not be an acceptable decision at the moment, but sooner or later, people around them would come to accept it.

admired her carefree attitude. Since she couldn’t change Zack’s decision, she tried to accept

choice. I don’t want to be a frustrated young lady.” No matter who Zack married, he was the one who would spend his life with the woman. As his sister, she had no right to interfere too

nap once they arrived. It was dark

she answered in a

speechless at her reaction and replied, “Don’t you worry. Zack’s doing fine. He has woken up, and he’s been transferred to the

I’ll head to

she rolled out of bed and shook off the exhaustion. After hanging up, she noticed that Alec had dressed himself. When she approached, he asked,

going too?” Jenny knew Alec was much

so he’s mine too. Of course, I have to visit my brother when

bother to argue with him, and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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