”Come to me, Mia”. Mom stands in the clearing smiling at me. A lovely day it is. She’s wearing her favorite blue floral dress and beckoning me. I giggled and ran to her. I ran and ran but the distance wasn’t shortened. This is strange. I’m running at full speed but I can’t get closer to her.

“Mom!” I screamed, starting to panic, and became terrified as I saw a red hooded man appear behind her back, blood dripping dagger in his hand. I need to save her. 

“Give it up, Mia.” Dad’s ghostly voice wafts beside Mom. He is strapped to a giant tree.

“Run for your life. There’s nothing you can do.” He said disappointedly, “You were never qualified as an Alpha’s daughter.” 

No no no, I frantically shook my head. I can do this. I must do this. 

“You are a disappointment, Mia.” Mom looked at me, her eyes were indifferent. No mom, please don’t do this to me. Suddenly her face started to melt into formless blood, soaking in the fabric and forming a small puddle on the ground. 

‘Aahhhhh…’ shrill screams escaping mom’s lips started to echo throughout the forest. 

Nooooo! I screamed, and woke up. 

“Shut the fuck up! Everyone else is sleeping!” 

“I’m sorry.” I whispered. She didn’t bother to answer me back. 

It is a dream, a dream that has been haunting me ever since my parents died. Thanks to the scolding, I was now fully back to reality. 

After my parents died, Alpha Wyatt took over the pack. I am no longer the Alpha’s daughter but degraded as an Omega. The old room, gone. All the love and care, gone. I I now live in the omega dungeon, sharing a big room with nineteen other omegas. 

I sat up with difficulty. The wounds on my back hadn’t healed yet. When Alpha got angry, or he suffered some inconvenience or he just got bored, he would come down here and… well, basically used me as his punching bag. Sometimes to make sure his hands don’t get dirty, he would tell me to pick up a knife dipped in wolfsbane and cut up my arms, legs, and ribs until the blood would pour out. Wolfsbane injuries heal slower. They hurt more. 

Yesterday he slipped on the wet ground when I had been mopping, and his ankle twisted. Since it was obviously my fault in his eyes, I had to count down to twenty till he finished whipping me. 

I took out a piece of red silky fabric from my secret pocket that I sewed on my clothes. The cloth is old but the color is still vibrant as new. I held it tight and memorize my own thoughts. Today is the day that I’m going to make my parents proud. 

“Just wait and see.” I whispered, staring up at the ceiling, hoping they could hear me. 

Closing my eyes for a brief moment, I shook my head, and stood up on my feet to start the pack chores. 

As I was preparing the food, an old maid, Diana, who had been working as an omega in our pack for years and had always been the kind one to me, inched closer, sneaking an orange to me, “Happy eighteenth birthday, Mia.” she whispered with a small smile. 

I took it gratefully, sliding it into the pocket of my apron, “Thank you.” 

First birthday blessing. First gift. 

We continued to pretend to work closely as she whispered again attentively, “You are of age now. Are you looking forward to finding out who your mate is?” 

‘You will know what completion feels like when you find your mate,’ mama had said, ‘He’ll ignite an eternal fire in your heart that shall not be put out by anything or anyone.’ 

My heart sank when I thought about Mama. 

I resemble her very much in appearance. When I was little, whoever saw me would always say how I was the mini version of Miranda. They would see her shining brown eyes, curly hair, and small five feet five inches frame in me. She always held adorable little mischiefs and strong determination in those small eyes of hers. Despite being a luna of our pack, she was the person that brought soul and laughter to the whole packhouse. 

I looked like her. But I missed the look that she used to have in her eyes. Mine were filled with grief, covered in dark circles, and there was a cut on my right eyebrow where the hair didn’t grow anymore since the day alpha Wyatt had inflicted an injury on that spot. 

“Mate.” I savoured the word again as a quiet whisper. It is a privilege that I can not afford. But if there is anyone who might turn out be my mate then he would be… 

There was a knock at the kitchen door. Someone opened the door and immediately bowed, “Beta Liam.” 

Talk about the Devil! My fingers tightened in fists, my heart thrumming harder than ever. It’ll be convenient if we are mates. It’ll be good for the plan. Mia, you can do it. 

I took a deep breath. 

be cool,’ I thought to myself, ‘Don’t reveal anything.’

turned round


his chest. Except for the battle wounds on his body,

logically, would be a fitting person to be my mate. ‘But the

came closer to me, I bowed,

blankly, avoiding eye contact. The hurt

was never a good thing when Alpha called. Fear had already engulfed me. I can’t

trembling hands behind the apron, and stared into Liam’s

dessert for alpha. The one he eats daily with one extra spoon of sugar, like had he

talking about. He extended his hand, “Give it to me. I will

as he asked. My hand touched his briefly, our eyes connecting with each other. A hint of a spiral of emotions was

out of the packhouse and bringing me to


saw a big stage in the middle, five werewolves were lined up there,

in front of them like a proud executioner. A smirk played on his thin lips. His bald head shined under the sun, his emotionless eyes slid

announced loudly as I got closer to the stage with a frightened expression, “want


kept on bleeding from all the wolfbane whips. The other one, was a pack member who hadn’t hit me when everyone else in the hall had two days ago when I had spilled some tea on the ground. The others had done the same, taking mercy on me in the briefest moments. Lucky Diana. She doesn’t know that

listen to me, did you?” Alpha Wyatt smirked at the people lined up, “this

face, spitting, “You think you are bigger than

me. His eyes were cold, and his face was filled with disgust for me, “Now you- you will fulfill

turned out like this! Why? I could

came closer to the alpha, clinging to his arm and kissing the side of his face with wet kisses, “pretty sure

alpha and luna. When a sudden attack happened, killing my mom and dad

my savior, she became one of my biggest bullies. Now standing next to the thirty

her as my maid?” she pouted and shook alpha’s arm to get his attention, “I want to see something fun. Let her be my personal maid

take the knife from his hand, he threw the knife right at my face. It flew past

thundering voice shook

the overwhelming fear. I fell to my knees, my whole body shivering in fear, “Please… a- alpha. I can’t do that. I can’t skin

Humiliation, pain, physical wounds and more but

nothing like this happens ever again! I am begging you.” Tears streamed down

how merciful I am to my pack members.” a dirty smirk appeared on his face as he muttered, “Alessio has a way with women. I wonder what he will do to you once I give you to him.”

Olivia and walked toward me. “Don’t be afraid, princess,” he grabbed my hand and forced me to hold the dagger tight, and then pulled my hand near the cleaner’s neck.

be over.” The blade shined a dangerous silver light on his skin. One push, and

out of his grasp, taking back control and throwing

rage rised, his body trembling. Olivia hurriedly came down and slapped me hard across my face, “How dare

it again. I spat out blood, even my tooth was shaking.

streaming from his eyes. He grabbed my

he took the dagger from me and slit the cleaner’s throat with one swipe. He dragged me beside the corpse. The blood was gushing out of the cleaner’s veins pouring

in, Princess” He whispered, “that’s the least you can do since he died

my body slump down under the Cleaner’s dead body, Alpha Wyatt walked to the edge of the stage, his eyes never leaving my sight, “Alright, how about since it’s your special day, I show you some mercy?” he said in a low voice. I was not holding

you walk over here, crawl on your knees to me and then bark like a

clenched in tight fists. His face was set in a rock-hard, cold expression while he

choice was clear. Four people were still strapped to the colums. The price of their lives-

flow down my cheeks as I obeyed and crawled to him on my hands and knees, holding back the sobs in my

“Woof Woof.” 

with laughter, patting

“Alpha, Alpha Alessio is…”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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