Mia’s POV

As soon as the breakfast ended, Beta Daniel had announced that it was time to commence the Pack Bond Ceremony to connect Bloodmoon Pack to Silver Lining pack and Alpha Alessio. Everyone had gathered in the pack field.

Beta Daniel was almost the same height as Liam. With his dark skin, light stubble, military cut hair he looked like someone very serious but that constant amused smile on his face betrayed his appearance and showed his playful side quite openly instead. With the heat down on us in the ground, even though it was still a bit chilly, he wore a black west and black cargo pants with white sports shoes.

Most of the pack members stood on the sidelines, Beta Daniel stood on the stage. I was standing on the other side of the ground, leaning against a pillar, away from everyone. There were eyes on me, and whispers, but I kept my eyes on the ground and remained silent.

I could see the excitement and nervousness on their faces, anticipating the process of pack binding. The air in the place was thick with it. The scent of it made my stomach turn.

“I think this is happening for good. This is our new start with a sexy new alpha.” Olivia giggled excitedly, hanging onto the arm of Alicia, one of her close friends.

“Me too. This is the first time we will see something like this happen to our pack. Imagine the new hotties that will come in here now after we are united as one.” Alicia grinned.

“You know who I want. All others are just eye candies anyway.” Olivia smirked, her eyes twinkling brightly.

Alicia giggled at her words, “of course I do. He might be coming out soon.”

For a brief second my eyes slid to Liam who was standing behind everyone, alone, emotionless. He had come to stand next to me when I had come to the ground but I had moved away immediately. After what had happened yesterday, I absolutely did not want to face him at all. I already had had enough of crappy days within the past forty-eight hours, maybe half a lifetime of pain, tragedy and traumas had been inflicted on my mind in these past few hours. I did not have the strength to fight or argue or even spare a glance at anyone.

“Attention. Alpha is here.” Beta Daniel announced at the stage as Alpha Alessio crossed the main door and came to stand in front of everyone, on the high stage. From where I stood, I could see him clearly and if he turned his face to the left, he would see me at first glance.

I shivered, my palms tightening on my arms self consciously.

I hadn’t seen him since our last encounter. The way he had looked at me yesterday, his words rang inside my head constantly, making it practically impossible for me to get any sleep at all. He hated me, it was clear as day from his words and his eyes. He despised me and felt disgusted by me.

Even though he had rejected me so cruelly, I still could not help but stare at him. His face was set in a grim expression. Aloof, but arrogant. For someone taking over a very large pack without any bloodshed at all, he looked quite unhappy by the look on his face.

I wondered if he also felt something like me in his heart right now. This hollow, sad feeling making me think that I might never feel happiness again. Never feel what love is ever again.

twenty four hours since we last

have already sensed my presence by my scent but he was not looking at me on purpose.

a small table made of copper. The other omega was bringing an empty grail made of gold in his hand. Once they reached the middle of the ground, they placed the table there and then the grail on the top of it. Then they fished out a similar gold dagger out of a box and placed it beside the grail. The table was

voice, “with this ceremony I will be binding all of you to myself as your alpha and my pack, Silver Lining. We will be one big

person stepped in


out of nowhere the moment their skin touched. I forced myself to stay put and watch silently as he made a small cut on her hand, and dripped a

“Done. Next.”

pack members stepped forward, offering

him her hand for the ceremony. My jaw clenched tighter than ever because I knew what her intentions were towards Alessio. Her lust.

his hand around her wrist, Olivia snatched it back,

and other members stared at her

alpha Alessio. I was just so freaking scared about what was going to happen to us, you know?” Her gaze quickly swiped to me for a brief moment as her eyes dripped fat drops of tears on her rosy cheeks.

Fucking bitch.

reaction, afraid and kind of already convinced that he had believed Olivia’s every word with her

He looked… bored.

was immediately caught off guard as I realised how, since the moment I had walked here, I have been unable to take my eyes off of Alessio. He had rejected me already, for fucks sake! How desperate I am for his attention that

my lips till I tasted the

away, my eyes swiped throughout the ground in an attempt to look anywhere except for Alessio but that was perhaps a wrong move as the next thing

quickly averted my gaze. I was no way in hell ready to face him right now. The only safe place was ground, I guess. So I dropped my head again,

ants were crawling over my skin. I had felt it a few times before as well since the ceremony had started but had been unable to fathom why I was feeling this way. Irritated,

Alpha Alessio’s dark eyes.

his head away immediately,

Daniel who, despite pressing his lips very tightly to not burst out in laughter, strode over to Olivia and gave a push to her back,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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