Trapped By Tainted Love

Chapter 1: Rebirth And Divorce

“Rachel, how dare you drug me?”

The man lying on the bed looked furious; his black eyes were blazing with anger.

Shelia Davis took a deep breath and felt a searing pain.

She managed to open her eyes and saw a man lying on top of her.

‘What the hell is going on? I…’

“Let go of me!”

She struggled to escape the man’s hold and began thrashing him.

But the more she resisted, the more violent the man became.

“Don’t play cat and mouse with me! Isn’t this what you’ve always wanted? Commit suicide and threaten me? Huh? Well, I can help you!” the man roared.

The man clasped her arms and legs, leaving no chance for her to escape. She gritted her teeth without saying anything as the metallic taste of blood filled her mouth.

About an hour later, the torture finally came to an end.

The man got out of the bed and put on his pajamas. He cast a cold glance at the pitiful woman on the bed and scoffed at her. “Why are you crying? Have I not satisfied you?”

Holding back the tears and enduring the humiliation, she grabbed the quilt and wrapped it around her.

She looked at him and sneered. “Satisfied? Your small dick made me feel nothing.”

“Go to hell!”

The man darted toward her, and the blue veins stood out on his arms. He grabbed her neck and squeezed it hard.

Her face turned red, and she couldn’t breathe.

She grew dizzy and felt suffocated. Instinctively, she grabbed the man’s hand, trying to push him away.

“Help! Help!”

let go of her. He tightened his grip and glared at

turned red, and her vision

opened the door

in an instant. He hurriedly grabbed the man’s arm and shouted, “Mr. Sullivan! Let

hissed through his teeth.

arm away. He kneeled beside the bed and begged anxiously, “Mr. Sullivan,


his grip on her and stared into the

grandmother’s last wish, the woman before him would have long

push Victor away. She sat up quickly and leaned against the headboard,

aren’t you going to divorce Mrs. Sullivan today? You will never see her again. For the sake of her mother, who once saved your grandmother, please


you. Sign the papers and get out from here. I don’t want to see you

the hinges. Shelia clutched her chest, trying

looked down, trying to comprehend what was going on. Her heart leaped to her throat,


to find a dress to wear. However, to her utter dismay, there were no women’s outfits in the closet. Only white shirts and black suits were hanging

pants that were too large for her. The bottom of the pant legs reached the floor when she

and her temples were throbbing. She


memories that didn’t belong

long while, she opened her eyes. She tried recalling the memories of

longer Shelia Davis. She was reborn as

a loser and a playboy. Rachel

knock on the door snapped her

inside?” asked a cold

“Who is it?”

man opened the door, holding a document in his

the name in her memory with the man in

“This is the divorce agreement. You can leave after

his hand. It had only taken an hour for Victor to prepare a divorce agreement. It was obvious he

to the last page, and scribbled

Rachel closed the pen and returned

him to send the agreement, Victor had said that if Rachel refused to sign it,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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