Chapter 108

Lara’s annoying started to appear repeatedly as soon as they stepped out. “Look at how soon she’s leaving!” “She’s such a ‘good grandchild’ of the May family. She did not even offer to stay back and take care of her own brother like how Diana did! Some people are just heartless like that! They don’t even bat an eye on their own blood brother!”

“Brycen, you might not know this since you’ve been overseas all these times, but you need to take a good look at this ungrateful face! Don’t be like your grandpa. He was bewitched by her!” Brycen did not say anything. He was rarely at home, so he did not really care about either of his sisters, be it Molly or Diana.

Molly and Grandpa Dave arrived at the entrance of Terahis Grove before sunset.

The security recognized Molly as soon as she got out of the car, and he opened the gate in advance considerately. Molly held onto Grandpa Dave’s arm their entire way home. “Molly, I hope you didn’t take their words personally.” She smiled and responded after hearing Grandpa Dave talking suddenly, “Why would I do that?

“I wouldn’t have agreed to treat Brycen’s even if they begged me to. I’m only treating him because of you, grandpa. Otherwise, I wouldn’t even care.”

Molly lifted Grandpa Dave’s arm lightly as she said those words, so he could go up the stairs easier.

My baby granddaughter is a generous person, and she won’t step down to their level.” Grandpa Dave lifted the edge of his mouth and chuckled when he felt his

into his mind a second later. “What are the chances

He’s going to stand up again no matter what as long as I’m here!” Molly was very calm as she said that firmly as if she did not think Brycen’s

stopped asking questions after he heard

Molly helped Grandpa Dave sit on the sofa first before she went around the house to look

go next

her head immediately, so she went to

“Hello, Dr. May!”

Molly when he saw her. After that, he turned his body sideways naturally to let her into the house. He knew the intention of Molly going there right away, and he said, “Come with

led Molly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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