Chapter 90

“Hey, we didn’t have rides like this when we were younger. If it were not for the three of you, we wouldn’t even know this place existed. Now I know where to bring my son in the future. This place is kind of fun.” Tony smiled.

Ben immediately ran up to him and tugged on the end of his shirt. He looked up at him and said, “You don’t even have a girlfriend now, Uncle Tony. Besides, you seemed to have forgotten that you might not get a wife in the future. How would you get a son if you don’t have a wife?”

Tony squeezed his chest and said in disbelief, “You can’t be cursing me like that, kid! How could you say I can’t find a wife when I’ve treated you so well? I’m already saving up for my future wife, so I can use it to marry her in the future.”

“It’s alright, Uncle Tony. No rush. If you really can’t get one, I’ll introduce a pretty foreign girl to you. I know a lot of pretty ladies with blonde hair, blue eyes, and good figures. You’ll definitely like them.”

mommy’s assistant, Caitlyn. She’s a pretty and sexy girl. Too bad she didn’t meet the both

able to meet each other. She’s single too. It wouldn’t be a bad idea if the both of you became a couple. Speaking of

instantly became

as his eyes sparkled. “Nice! I love it!” He started to find it unfortunate. “Sigh, why didn’t you invite her

only come to those who wait. Calm down, don’t panic! There are plenty of days to come.” She was quoting sayings after sayings, just like an adult. Molly

as he coughed. “You’ve got to help me

puffed out his belly as he patted his chest and promised

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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