Chapter 102

“Sean,” The elegant woman said gently as she looked over at him. A smile flashed across her face as soon as she saw Sean.

Sean went forward slowly, and he had a confused look on his face as he asked, “Dad, Mom, when did you guys come back?” Sean’s father, Ricky Anderson, was the chairman of the Anderson Cooperation. He went on a vacation overseas with Sean’s mother, Alice. It had been a while since the last time Sean saw them.

“We just came back today. Who would’ve thought that the first thing we found out after we came back was the fire in the factory? This is a very serious issue, so I came here to know more about it. Is there any casualty?” Ricky said flatly.

Fortunately, nobody was harmed in the fire, but a batch of raw materials was destroyed. I’ll take care of it. Don’t

these days. She felt a little worried for her son now that something like this had happened, and her son was only going to get busier as she said, “Son, you don’t have to push yourself so hard. Let your father handle it since he’s back now. Your top priority should be taking care of your body now.” She looked at her son up and down when she said that. She was surprised by what she saw.” However, why do I feel like you don’t look as skinny and weak compared with the last time I saw you? You look so much

say at that moment. After a moment, he explained, “I’m only doing that to train

that just to make her feel better. She could not help feeling emotional as she looked down at her son in the wheelchair. Her son was so outstanding, and he was the best of the best. Why did he

feel better. We’ll be just fine

will operate just fine without you. Do you think that the company

a person to stay with you and take care of you. Son, you’re a smart person. I’m sure that you know what I’m trying

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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