Chapter 208 

“Don’t worry, the fever is gone now. I’m fine.” Molly consoled the triplets, but she still was not in the best state as she still looked sick. Then, she explained to Sean defeatedly, “I didn’t expect that little amount of rain would get me sick.”

Sean smiled faintly, and his eyes were bright. “Be careful next time.”

Though it were words of concern, Molly strangely felt like he was ordering her as her boss…

She was in a daze for a while before she continued, “Let’s go to the hospital tomorrow then.” She was not in good shape to do a complete check-up with Sean. “Don’t worry. We’ll go when you’re better.” Sean was not in a rush either. At the same time, in the Nolan family.

Abigail was sitting in her room with a prideful look on her face. Her eyes were cold as she held up a piece of paper with her right hand while her left hand was placed on her right elbow. The content on the paper was Molly’s information.

She had a laptop on her desk as well. The screen was filled with screenshots that were sent by her assistant.

They were all regarding Molly’s downfall a few years back. However, there was no news about Molly after she had gone abroad.

all of them and smiled delightfully, though

so Molly is the one with such a nasty scandal back

was someone special since

an affair and a one-night-stand, getting pregnant, and bringing down the May family. They even disowned her!’ Abigail put down the paper and rested her fair arm on the desk as her

like Molly really think she could take Sean away from

that Sean would never be interested



when she thought about this. ‘I thought she’s a tough rival, but it turns out she’s a filthy woman. I don’t even know how many men she had slept with. She probably doesn’t even know the father of her

see Molly as a

she was certain that she would be

hand, Molly could not go to the hospital with Sean as she was taking a rest at home. So, she opened

scent of bitter

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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