Triumph Above All Novel

Triumph Above All Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Beads of sweat could be seen trickling down a woman’s neck in a dimly lit warm room.

“No… No…” An angry murmur could be heard echoing throughout the room.


Suddenly, Skylar Stone was startled awake as he noticed the concerned look on an air-stewardess’ face as soon as he woke up.

It seemed that he had dreamed the same peculiar dream or more accurately a vivid memory again.

The memory turned out to be how Skylar was ambushed and drugged by someone while he was on a secret mission. In order to keep innocent women safe, he desperately clung onto what little rational thought he had left to leave the crowd before finally passing out in some bushes behind a mansion.

All he had to do was stay put for the night and he would be fine the next morning. However, fate decided to pull a prank on him. Apparently, he was found and rescued by the girl who lived in the mansion.

However, as soon as he was startled awake, he lost control and shoved the girl on the ground before violating her.

When Skylar finally regained his senses, he realized that his enemies were still at large and was worried about getting the girl’s family involved in his mess, so he left immediately without saying a word.

However, a war broke out at the Northern borders after he had completed his mission. It turned out that the Northern borders were invaded by hundreds of thousands of enemy troops.

So, Skylar rushed to the frontlines to defend his country. It was a brutal war back then. The struggles he faced during the battle made Skylar frown.

However, he was deeply bothered whenever he thought about the blood-stained sheets.

There was nothing he could do to forget about the memory.

Since he could not leave his post back then, he ordered his assistant general to look for the girl from the mansion. He swore to give her a lifetime of glory after he had made a name for himself.

the only thing he left with that girl, she was

he had then, it

out that not only did the woman said that she would wait for Skylar’s glorious return, she even gave him a picture of

Although she was not exactly the most beautiful looking woman

the last five years imagining a peaceful life with the girl in Cloutopia while staring at

why he decided to retire and live a simple life after the peace treaty was signed. It turned out that not only did he want to repay his parents for raising him, he desperately wanted

Meanwhile at

Get in

of more than ten men could be

were in uniform. However, every single one of them stomped their

from the group as they were not

strode out of

ups have scheduled your retirement ceremony to be held in two days. So, according to the agreement signed, all of your wealth and power will be restored on that day. Oh and the districts of Nirth, Dracovia and Midtown are yours to rule. Courtesy of

Skylar a document before saying, “Sir, these are the

Skylar asked, “Have you sent the wedding invitation to my

“It was given to her yesterday,” The

want her to know that her man isn’t just some no name simple footsoldier. No, I want her to know that her

Ms. Sue is on a date with a spoiled rich brat in a cafe right now.”

a stark contrast to how confident he looked just moments ago. He said, “What? A date? Was

“Your ride is waiting for you at the

at the group before nervously asking Skylar, “Sir, I’ll dismiss them and send them home now. So, is

“Come on now, you’ve been with me for three years. Have you

entering the jeep that was parked

the group and said, “You are

you that our boss isn’t a

“Sorry about that.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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