Chapter 5

Alex was over the moon, “Really? You agreed just like that? Then my mom-”

Once Emmett heard that, his face tumed stem and he cut off Alex’s words, ‘You don’t have a mom. You only have me! Come home with me”

Alex was taken aback and hustled into the car. He headed back to the Melendez family mansion with Emmett.

“Aiden, you’re finally back!”

As soon as they got out of the car, the butler Henry spotted him and was so thrilled he was on the verge of tears

Ever since Aiden joined the Melendez family, it was Henry who watched him grow up, he treated Aiden as if he was his own child.

“Alden? My name’s not Aiden, it’s Alex!”

“Sweetie, you are Aiden, you’re our precious Melendez family member! Don’t be angry, and don’t run away from home anymore! Don’t be mad at your dad, he loves you!”

from home?

his gaze landed on a photo hanging on

he didn’t own the clothes in the photo, and he didn’t remember taking that picture! Could it be… they all mistook him for

he pointed at

be? Come, let’s go have some ice cream sundae and check out the full set of Transformers toys your grandparents got for

that, “Ice cream sundae? A full set of Transformers? Are those

smile!” His usual quiet demeanor was just like Emmett’s. This sudden burst of energy

want to play with the Transformers and eat ice cream sundae, so I’ll borrow your name. I am “Aiden” for now! You won’t mind,

next morning, as usual, Emmett finished his morning workout and was about to head to

today, he made a detour to

the pillow. His sleeping position was a sight to see,

closed the door behind him, turned around and said, “Matt, cancel the afternoon meeting. I’m taking him to the amusement park”

was taken aback, but quickly nodded, “Yes,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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