“You look beautiful,” I say to my sister. She does.

Her skin glows with happiness I will never feel. The glimmer in her gaze a reflection of crystal spotted in the sun. This is a good thing.

Today is after all her wedding day. My sleeve hides the flecks of blood on my wrist. My gloved hands blinding her and all the out comers of the evidence that is my temper from their accusing watchful sights.

A smile is said to come in different forms and like one may see all things from a vast number of ‘opinionated’ ways, a smile can be taken just the same.

I would like to think the one I am currently carving to my face is telling all of them that I am in fact sane and very ‘delighted’ to be here. Yes, what I think and what actually is, are on completely opposite sides of the totem.

Because I know my smile is fake, it is malicious, a lure to the naïve and a tell, to the wicked.

I am Aliyana Capello, Consigliera Sartini Capello's daughter, and right now I am an enemy of the Catelli brothers. I’m harboring a traitor, and maybe it is true, or maybe it isn’t, either way, they are just as guilty as he is. They have taken many more brothers and sisters and as much as it pains me to say it, as much as Ren mattered to us, those people mattered to their family just as much.

Months have gone by since Guilia was promised to Leonardo. Guilia and Leonardo delayed their marriage as long as they could. I am glad in a way, as it has given them a chance to get to know one another.

Two days have passed since I last spoke to Marco. My father was so furious at me, he said nothing to me for the rest of the night. He further shouted at Ilaria for nothing and that really got me.

Guilia and help her with their new place. Most of the women prepared their homes before a wedding and purchased new

where they would stay. We were joined by cousins from the Catelli and

going on when Camilla and her left the Manor, but when they got back, I was waiting by the door with no sign

face was


and those women were all in the know, although none of them really understand what the actual fuck was going

sure, Marco was right when he said my sister’s marriage to Leonardo would help ease a lot of issues circulating in the family and outside it

chest ache at the finality of it all. He was so angry when he spoke to me, I hurt

was unconditional when it came to the Misfits. I owed

unknown number, I pick it up, walking toward the back of the house as my sister’s laugh sounds through


I might have a tiny bit of a problem, I need to leave tonight.’

look around me, making

the Southside, stopped at this burger place, but

and my stomach sinks. This is not good. Vincent

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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