Warning: My Mommy Is A Savage! By Seeking A Peaceful

Warning: My Mommy Is A Savage! By Seeking A Peaceful Chapter 133

Chapter 133 Anthony sat by Charmine’s bedside, staring at her as he said, “ Whatever Eric can do, I can do as well. If there’s a next time, you should consider me.” His low voice carried a sense of overbearingness.

Charmine’s shoulders were held by him and they sat quite close together. The only thing she could smell was his strong, musky scent. For some strange reason, her heart started to beat faster, jumping uncomfortably within her chest.

She shrugged his hands away and said, “If I’m ever in a TV series and need the human equivalent of a leech, I’ll surely consider you then.”

Anthony was speechless. It took a moment before he smiled faintly and said, “If you were the female lead in the TV series, I don’t need to get paid. Consider it a friends and family discount.”

This silenced Charmine.

She thought inwardly, ‘When he decides to go for it, he’s absolutely shameless.

“What are you here for? I was planning on calling it an early night,” Charmine told him.

you dinner,” Anthony replied as he stood u p to uncover the

front of her.

with tasty delights and arranged into cartoon shapes. ‘Did Chris make this for me?’ Charmine

had already eaten, Charmine received the meal

Anthony responded, “Chris said that h e won’t accept an indirect thank you. He wants to hear you say it in

of food. “They planned for me to go to the Bailey family mansion?

to celebrate when you’ve gotten out of jail. In the past two days, he’s

Once I’m out, I’ll

was standing outside leaped for joy as soon as he heard that. “Yay! Mommy will be coming to our home as a

sound outside. She frowned and called out,” What was that

be a…mouse,” Anthony quickly glanced outside and tried to change the subject. “Charmine, tomorrow’s extremely

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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