Warning: My Mommy Is A Savage! By Seeking A Peaceful

Warning My Mommy Is A Savage! By Seeking A Peaceful Chapter 181

Chapter 181 Charmine held back her anticipation upon seeing the woman as she walked to the table and sat down on a chair. “Come in,” she beckoned.

Aunt Cherrie pushed the dining cart forward and placed the dishes on the table one after another. “Have you worked here for long?” Charmine cool-headedly started the conversation. “You look very familiar.”

“Why, yes! I’ve been here for at least ten years. Kindly don’t judge me with my old age; l’m more reliable than some of these girls who might spill dishes, however nice they are,” Aunt Cherrie beamed proudly.

Charmine noticed Aunt Cherrie’s honest and friendly disposition. She went along with Aunt Cherrie as she agreed to her statement and added, “Oh yes, I prefer people who are reliable workers. Can you sit with me? I’d like to ask you something.”

“Oh? Well, ask away,” she answered, pleasantly surprised and liking the flattery.

Aunt Cherrie knew Charmine was the Diamond Boss and that she was also a superstar here to shoot advertisements. She dared not offend anyone from the entertainment industry.

“I’d like to ask about something that happened five years ago,” Charmine got down to business. “Please sit here and think about it carefully.”

Five years ago?

expression of anxiety as she recalled an

in the same room five years ago, was she

plain-looking ugly duckling Charmine would become who she was.

Day five years ago? Who was in this

However, Aunt Cherrie merely chuckled and said, “Oh

you were responsible for delivering breakfast to this room five years ago. You accidentally knocked over a vase outside and had to pay five thousand bucks as compensation. That would’ve been a large

her bag. “There’s half a million here,” she added, “and it’ll be all yours

had never seen such a large sum of money; she would have t

reiterated, “Think about it, Cherrie. Five years ago, who came in and out of this

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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