We Are Not Getting Remarried: Show Yourself Out

We Are Not Getting Remarried: Show Yourself Out Chapter 45

Chapter 45 Why Am I Bumping into This Walking Disaster Everywhere?

Everyone’s heart was trembling while preparing their speech. They were afraid to be the first pick.

Elisa couldn’t care less about it as she knew that Will would not let her be the first.

She took a deep breath and whispered, “I’m going to the bathroom.”

Will looked at her and said softly, “Sure. Elisa, don’t have stage fright.”

Stage fright?

I couldn’t agree with this statement. I’m someone with identity and poise. There is no such thing as stage fright in my life.

I’ve already gotten used to big occasions like this.

But… I know he’s trying to tell me not to be afraid of Gareth.

Elisa nodded. She then turned around and walked toward the bathroom.

Linda saw Elisa walking by, so she quickly excused herself.

nodded while

she entered the bathroom, she turned on the faucet and watched the water

was having mixed

when she thought of the bad idea

cold water to wake herself

always been a straightforward person. Since I’ve already gone far with my

been very supportive of it. So, there

finally calmed

out, she saw Linda walking in with a

“Elisa, what a

Elisa’s eyes. She knew that they didn’t meet each



stood frozen for a moment, then

worry too much. Both

bit of sadness in Elisa’s eyes,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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