Chapter 376 Who Are You?

Finley’s face immediately sank.

“What are you doing?”

“It’s for the examination.” Thalia answered bluntly, “Other doctors would do this

examination when I consult them.”

Although Finley was well-mannered, he was so angry that his forehead was

bulging at this moment.

“There’s no such examination.” He asked patiently, “Do you feel unwell or not


Enter title…

“Of course,” Thalia answered. “Otherwise, why would I come to see you?”

Finley was not interested in her tricks. After handing the examination report to

her, he drove Thalia away.

When Alexa received Thalia’s call, she was heading home with Damarion.

“Alexa, I don’t want to be mean. But Dr. McMillan’s attitude was too cold,” Thalia

said directly. “But he was nice to your son just now.”

Alexa didn’t want Damarion to be gossiped about, so she didn’t say much to


“Dr. McMillan is very serious when he works.”

“Does he have any hobbies? Or does he like anything?”

Alexa paused and found that she really didn’t know the answers.

“I don’t know much about his private life.”

At this moment, the car door was opened, and Terrence heard that clearly.

His expression changed slightly, but Terrence did not say anything. He was

holding Damarion in his arms.

Alexa did not seem to notice that he had gotten into the car. She was still talking

to Thalia.

Terrence got closer and closer to Alexa. Finally, he took her hand and fiddled

with it.

Thalia was a straightforward person. She hit the nail on the head.

“I think he is quite gentle to you. Did he like you?”

Terrence was very close to Alexa, so he could hear the voice on the other end of

the line clearly.

Alexa could even feel that Terrence’s vibe got cold.

his expression

she could turn her head to look at him, Terrence took


Is it

The air seemed

who was on the other end of

she deliberately asked with a smile, “Excuse

I?” Terrence narrowed his eyes. “Her husband.


simple words revealed Terrence’s confidence as Alexa’s

looked at his serious face. She couldn’t help

up the phone, he was still holding



was all Terrence said after being silent

refer to you as ‘my wife’,

angry just


Mr. Ramsey, you’re right.” Alexa gave a thumbs-up in

you talking about Finley with her before I got

straight ahead, leaving only a serious side profile

that Terrence was easy to get


softened her voice,

annoyance. “I’m very angry now. And

fool me.”

Terrence leaned closer to Alexa

And he showed no intention

interaction between his

were curved as she smiled,

Alexa pinched his face.

teased Damarion, “Baby, you

“Dad is not angry.”

your dad some

like Damarion, when Alexa smiled, her


in Terrence’s heart immediately vanished.

sweetness at this moment.

returned to Finley’s


very cold just now. But he

watched him reading silently. A slight

looked like a

softly, “Are there any

didn’t like

heartbeat is irregular. How is

night. I won’t fall

ever treated

drink when I can’t sleep. Does that count?” Thalia thought for

tolerance is pretty good. No matter how

won’t get drunk.”

write the medical


of all, quit drinking

in a quandary. “If I don’t drink, I will


you keep drinking, you will be asleep

and began to tease

McMillan, you’re bad-tempered and mean. And you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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