Chapter 417 Jeremy Shows Up With His Mother

Sensing that Alexa’s tone had turned cold, Isobel remained calm.

"He is your nominal younger brother. If anything, it will not be good for the Duran family."

Alexa sneered silently and said lightly.

"He is 21 years old now. You should give him some space."

"You... What do you mean by this?"

"You want to know? Go ask your son."

Alexa hung up the phone after she finished speaking, not giving Isobel the slightest chance to react.

Terrence slowed down the car and kept an eye on her movements.

"Is Isobel harassing you?" He frowned, his eyes full of hostility. ‘Til take care of it.”

"Not really. However, I want to investigate someone,” Alexa said.


"Yes." Alexa was unwilling to let go of any opportunity to lure Terrence. “We are so interlinked."

Terrence smiled.

"I've already done it. Edwin will send you the information later.”


Edwin was very efficient. In just a few hours, he had thoroughly investigated Sasha.

After Sasha inherited her family's properties, she had a business marriage with Jeremy.

However, in just three years, the two announced to the public that their marriage had ended. They had been filing lawsuits for property in the past two years.

As for Zeke, he was together with Sasha when he was studying abroad.

"Sasha runs a concert hall under her name, and she often goes to concerts.” Terrence slowly explained, "Zeke studies piano, and it is normal for him to be by her side."

"It's quite romantic.”

that their relationship was

Sasha was not like

Isobel does not know what her good

did not want to care about this

the change of power. If they were careless, they

about I talk

it, but Terrence

refused coldly, "Let

want him to embarrass our family." Alexa held her chin leisurely. "If

take this opportunity to purge the family and make

people of the Ramsey

wait and see." Alexa sighed, "In any case, I feel that he has a

opportunity, but she did not

sent an invitation to Alexa for her

wanted to use this opportunity to curry favor with Terrence, and Alexa played the trick

grand. The banquet was held in the most luxurious hotel

up, they became the focus

guests came forward to talk with them, but Alexa's eyes were fixed on Zeke, who

high-end suit today, which was exactly the same color

of herself, and coupled with her delicate makeup, she looked like

through the air, and Sasha

Come and greet your brother-in-law and sister,"

gestured to them with

Alexa smiled and said.

at giving people a

surprise are you

just knew that Zeke is so

skills are good and his talent is

really have

eyes were somehow

wanted to hide, obviously

long ago?" Terrence suddenly spoke up, "So

jokes have always been so

ridiculing him,

just like outstanding ones. Zeke is very kind to me,"

Since the two of you are truly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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