Chapter 476 My Fiancé Will Get Angry

The clothes that Thalia was wearing were very formal.

Alexa figured that Thalia had been at a dinner banquet.

But Thalia didn't even have an assistant by her side.

"Are you going back now?" Alexa asked.

"I think so." Thalia sighed and suddenly changed the subject.

"I rented a place near the company. It's not far away from here."

"You aren't living with Finley?" Thalia's eyes flickered.

She said vaguely, "We usually live together, but I have been busy recently, and he has a lot to deal with in the hospital."


Alexa nodded doubtfully and helped Thalia into the car.

Thalia sent a message to her assistant and then suddenly asked.

"Mr.Ramsey, is Hudson Group planning to cooperate with Chuck as well?"


Terrence nodded.

"The price is still in discussion, but it is already within our expectations."

He was implying that there was still room for negotiation.

Thalia said bluntly.

"Then what about us? The price we offer is better than theirs."

Actually, for Terrence, changing or not wouldn't make a difference.

But Thalia was Alexa's friend, and he was more than happy to do Thalia a favor for Alexa's sake.

"You can sign the bid. Someone in charge will reach out to you tomorrow."

"OK. Thank you," Thalia said with a smile.

"Go back and get some rest. You drank a lot, didn't you?"

Alexa tightened the blanket on Thalia.

"Not a lot. I can hold my liquor."

"If Finley knew about this, you were bound to suffer."

"I know. So, don't tell him, OK?"

Thalia pleaded.

"Did you talk after that?"

"We didn't have a chance."

Thalia suddenly sounded relaxed.

"Besides, it wasn't that serious."

Alexa did not respond.

Thalia's apartment building, Alexa

very grateful

now in transition, and a lot of clients don't want

can always think of something.What about the Duran Group?" Alexa

of it.Besides, now that I've taken over the company, I should achieve something

Alexa knew Thalia’s concerns.

Thalia cooperated with the Duran Group, the situation would be more dangerous

mention that …

Thalia was very upset.

"What does Finley say?"

have my way, and he

"Take it easy."

chatted with Thalia for a while in

became. She drank another half a bottle

could not

only stay by Thalia's side, watching Thalia talk,

was waiting for Alexa downstairs

Then Finley came here.

out of their cars and

are back

"Yes.Is Thalia back?"

looking a

is upstairs with her.She's not in a good

a moment.It seemed like this was not the first time Finley had dealt with such an

should talk to her," Terrence

to you two to work it out

gotten mixed up as

he held

me privately, and it seems to me that they're going


in charge of the

tone was as cold

for her is called Chuck Wilder.They

in fact, Thalia

at the moment, and Chuck happens to be willing to give them both money and resources. Also, Chuck's family

are you going

let go, then

about you.She just had a drink and didn't want Alexa to

what to say for

happened to bump into

Alexa was not surprised.

she said in a low voice, "She was on the phone with her parents


nodded, naturally took out the key to

Thalia was still angry.

heard the door

you doing

to see

"No need."

bottle into the trash can and did not even glance at


you left in


eyes unnaturally to avoid



as he looked at the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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