Werewolf Committee

Chapter 43: Epilogue

"...May we bow our head in prayer."

Everyone that stood by the coffin, lowered their head.

It was Colin's funeral and somehow it helped make everything seem more real.

It was also a week after the incident. When everyone found out about Colin's death they didn't handle it so well. Vases were thrown, windows were shattered and tears were shed.

However right now everyone at the funeral stayed deadly silent as we all silently prayed. Tate stood close by my side, his shoulders grazing mine.


Everyone slowly raised their heads and murmured to one another. There was quite the crowd and I had to admit Colin must've been pretty popular.

The man on the other side of the coffin gently tapped onto the microphone. We were in the woods so everything was set up. As werewolves it was normal for us. The woods were the place of Colin's birth and he would've wanted it to be his place of death.

Or at least were he was buried.

"If any speeches need to be made..." the man that was also a werewolf trailed off as he gestured to the front.

I thought very few would make speeches. That they were all to devastated to talk.

But I thought wrong. Several people lined up to make their speeches. First it was Roger. He spoke about his brother highly and repeated many times how he was going to miss him.

Then it was Dale, then Tom, then Tate who left my side to make a brief speech on his uncle. His face remained emotionless but I knew he was hurting.

A little grin spread across my face when Eddie sped his way to the front and went up on his tippy toes to reach the microphone. The man standing beside him also smiled and pulled it down to his height.

"Hi," Eddie said brightly and a few mumbled back.

"This is my first funeral so I don't know what to say," he said and a small frown slipped onto his face.

Everyone stayed silent as they all watched Eddie. Eddie glanced down still frowning then a moment later glanced back up with a smile.

"My uncle was one of the coolest people, and I've met a lot of cool people," Eddie brightly said as he glanced at me and I smiled in return while a few people chuckled through blurry eyes.

"I don't know why all of you are crying so much," Eddie exclaimed with another frown.

"-Uncle Colin is happy and I know it. He used to always tell me he couldn't wait to go up there," Eddie pointed to the sky, "-to see his mate."

Eddie then became silent not knowing what to say. The man next to him patted Eddie on the shoulder and gave it a squeeze with another kind smile as he put the microphone back up and leaned forward.

"May he rest in peace," He finished off for Eddie.

Eddie looked up at him and gave the man a friendly smile before turning around and coming back near the crowd.

After a few of Colin's long lost friends gave inspirational speeches, they bid there goodbye and paid their respects before slowly leaving.

The Coffin was lowered and all to soon Colin's body was underground and gone.

I tightly held the bunch of flowers in my hand and stepped forward once no one was around grave.

Walking near it, I placed the flowers gently on top of the soil and kneeled down with a sigh.

"Hey Colin," I whispered.

There was no reply.

make a speech," I said with a sheepish smile even though he couldn't see

everything you did," I said with a smile and glanced

Tate," I

up and dusted off my pants. Taking a few steps backwards I Iowered my

"Thank you for everything."

around myself tighter as I began

in the wind. It was

You're welcome.

and glanced

looked back at Tate to see him staring at the ground with a

looked up at me

you alright?" I

a few times and took in

on his cheek and caressed it, leaning forward to rest my forehead

his eyes and

I whispered, "-to live happily with you're mate and not have

If anything probably not

and leaned back to see Tate's hazel eyes already focused

happy," I

and I smiled

shoulder. Slowly Tate's arms wrapped around me and

love you Elina?" Tate murmured in my ear and I

his lips. Tate held me

back inside," Tate gently said and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me to his

our way back to the Committee. However I couldn't help but glance

was now with his mate that met he feels the way I feel when I'm with Tate?

thought that kept

to speak and comment on the

and awkwardly stumbled back up before he stopped

asked immediately as he knelt down in front of his little brother

random words and Tate

Breath," Tate said as he waited for a reply

a dramatic breath

Now speak," Tate ordered and


lifted up his

at each other and

a moment or two, a strong current of wind suddenly appeared and hit us with

his backside, however had

didn't even flinch. With one hand he pulled

wide eyes and

asked Eddie in excitement

It's so cool!" Eddie yelled out in excitement as

to the left making the breeze come from

and the winds direction changed

grabbed Eddies hand placing it

have to learn to control it," Tate told his brother

I chuckled and Eddie stuck his

going to go tell Dale! He's going to be so jealous!" Eddie exclaimed with


wake up to a different weather forecast

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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