Chapter 32

Avery met with Shaun at Tate Industries over the weekend.

“We need to open up the safe as soon as possible, Avery,” Shaun said. “Mr. Hertz has been pestering us for a decision. I don’t know if I should tell him the truth or lie to him… I’m stuck because I have nothing to show for it!”

Avery nodded and said, “I wrote down some numbers on a piece of paper last night. I think my father’s passcode would be a combination of these numbers.”

Shaun took the piece of paper out of Avery’s hand, glanced at the numbers, then nodded and said, “Let’s give it a try now!”

They entered the secret chamber, approached the safe, and began trying out possible combinations.

However, things did not go as smoothly as they had hoped.

After countless failed attempts, Avery frowned and let out a heavy sigh.

“Would Wanda know what the code is?” she said. “The code to our front door is a combination of my dad and Wanda’s birthdays. He was good to her before he got sick.”

Shaun shook his head and said, “If she knew how valuable this new system is, she would have taken it with her before she left.”

“Do you think someone could have already taken the things in the safe?” Avery asked.

here daily. No

if we don’t have the code?

began to pace back and

might be another way,” he said moments later. “If we can’t crack the code, the only thing we can

Avery stayed silent.

about it!” Shaun said. “We’ll just have to break into it if we

looked like she had something on her

Foster?” Shaun asked

hesitantly shook her head. “I

friend of mine said they saw you enter the elite neighborhood where he

flushed in an

have a friend who lives around there. She had something to talk to me about, so I just went there t

didn’t know you had

successful business before, but things didn’t

Well, you can go now since we can’t crack the code. I’ll think about it

“Okay, thank you!”

hidden room and left the

she was gone, Shaun inspected the piece of paper she had left behind. He studied it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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