Chapter 35 Avery decided to play along.

“It’s true. He’s incredibly rich. He’s just old, ugly, and barely hanging on.”

The crowd was scratching their heads trying to figure out who this old, ugly, and unfit bigshot was.

A waiter walked over to Avery and said, “Please proceed to the second floor, Miss Tate.”

Avery instantly looked up.

The building had an open concept, and the second-floor railing could be seen from the living room on the first floor.

Elliot’s bodyguard was standing by the railing and looking down at her.

When the waiter escorted her away, the faces of the people in the crowd changed from one of mockery t o one of awe.

Those in attendance at the banquet were the creme de la creme of high society.

Even the wealthy had their own form of social hierarchy.

That night, the more ordinary members of the upper class were mingling amongst themselves in the banquet hall on the first floor.

the other hand, were invited to the exclusive second

was invited up

she must have a

I know, there aren’t that many old men at tonight’s

just messing with

the second floor in unison, but they

than ten people in attendance, and all of

over and sat herself down next

table was


here, too. Didn’t you secretly meet with him while

expect this to be

obsessed with Cole that they


was ravenous as she had not had her dinner yet, so she was in no mood to argue

knife and fork and began

a small amount of money, but I heard that your relationship with him has gone sour. If that’s the case,

gave him a piece of my mind! He didn’t manage to trick me into investing with him, so he thought he could try his luck with my little girl! It’s disgusting!” “Cole Foster is infamous in the financial world. Everything he invests in eventually goes bust. He’s so stupid that you can’t help but feel a little bad for him. He would’ve been a goner a long time ago if it weren’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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