Chapter 271 They had not informed him ahead of time before visiting.

Elliot did not want them over, as they were all strangers to Shea, and they would startle her.

Rosalie stood at the very front and as soon as she saw Shea, her eyes gleamed, and she could not help but approach Shea.

Elliot stood in front of Shea and said, “Mom, why did you come here without telling me first?”

“Today’s your– I bought a cake.” Rosalie lowered her gaze and mumbled, “I know I shouldn’t come here unannounced, but I can‘t help it...”

She could not resist her urge to see Shea.

Shea heard Rosalie’s voice and was both nervous and curious at the same time. Rosalie could see her doe like eyes peeking at her from behind Elliot.

“Shea, you aren‘t afraid of me, are you?” Rosalie looked at her with anticipation.

Shea immediately lowered her head again, her grip on Elliot‘s clothes tightening in response.

Elliot reached his hand behind and held her hand.

“Mom, go home! We‘ve already had cake at school,” he said coldly. “Take your cake with you.”

Rosalie sighed.

still felt satisfied to see that her daughter

the building and Elliot led Shea back into the house.

got here, and she wouldn‘t let me

at Zoe, who was standing by

since six in the evening, Elliot. If you‘ve already had your cakes,

that she had made

she appeared to

Was he that scary?

there any progress on Shea’s treatment?” Elliot asked while staring at her

look at him and said, “The

Scanned with CamScanner

speaking, the more time she has

“I look

I’ll do my

cake and left; but since she came out, she had been absorbed in

was not normal. It was Elliot‘s birthday and he was supposed to be the main

all sorts of thoughts in her head, she messaged

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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