Three years later, Aryadelle, airport.

Hazel and Robert stood at the airport, waiting anxiously.

“It’s been three years! Your boyfriend finally came to see you!” Robert teased, changing the subject, “Isn’t he here to break up with you? After all, you two haven’t seen each other for three years, and three years can change a lot of things.” Hazel sighed.

“Second brother, can you please stop cursing me? Although I haven’t met him in the past three years, we have phone calls and video calls every day!” Robert complained: “Electronic lover.” Hazel: “Anyway, he has promised me that he will settle in Aryadelle this time and will never be separated from me again.” Robert: “He has too much self-esteem.

When he meets his father later, they might not agree for more than a few words, and then he buys a plane ticket and runs away overnight!” Hazel looked helpless and wanted to defend, but didn’t know what to say.

At this time, a familiar voice came from not far away: “Hazel!” Hazel heard the sound and immediately looked towards the source of the sound.

Lucas dragged her suitcase and walked over from the exit.

A smile suddenly appeared on Hazel’s face, and she ran towards Lucas, and the two embraced each other affectionately.

Robert received a call from Avery.

Avery asked, “Have you not received Lucas yet? Is he not coming?” Robert: “Mom, you are more outrageous than I thought.


hung up the phone

to the bathroom and checked his

out loud: “No need to look in the mirror; you look handsome!” Elliot: “Honey, do you think I need to be stricter with him later?” Avery: “Hazel

to make others unhappy? He is now the big boss of Night Technology,

same to Lucas now.” Elliot: “Okay!” An hour later, Robert brought Hazel and

a plane! Come inside and sit down!” Lucas blushed: “Auntie, I’m not working

own home.” At this

immediately looked at Elliot and said hello politely:

in and eat!” Lucas: “Okay.” At the dinner table, everyone sat together,

“Lucas, you can stay at our house tonight! We have a lot

to help me buy a house in Aryadelle.” Avery immediately looked

me.” Layla said, “You didn’t say you were buying a

name written on the real estate certificate?” Hazel was shy: “Yes! It’s just Lucas’s

father and I

decide your own

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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