Chapter 2 Night-long Cuddle

Annabel didn't realize that this room belonged to someone else.

When she saw that the bathroom was stocked with only men's products, she just assumed that the Bentons were trying to get on her nerves.

"What an incredible family!" she muttered sarcastically, walking under the shower.

She only had to put up with this for three months.She had struck a bet with her grandfather.

If she still had no feelings for Rupert after staying here for three months, their marriage would be called off.

A maid brought in dinner for her once Annabel got out of the bathroom.She ate it and fell asleep almost immediately.

It was already midnight when Rupert finally came back home from a business dinner.

He was aware Annabel was arriving today.

Bruce had told him to pick her up, but he refused under the guise of having many things to do at work.

He had no interest in his fiancee.

As far as he was concerned, the marriage would be canceled sooner or later.

Rupert was fagged out.He managed to take a shower and went straight to bed.He was very drunk, so he didn't notice that someone else was in his room until he lay down on his bed.

The large bulge under the quilt startled him.He moved away abruptly.

The room was dimly lit, so he couldn't see the woman's face clearly.

straight, she rolled over and hugged

"Teddy, don't be naughty.You

Rupert froze completely.

had a very familiar scent, just like

his nose pressed against


at any point during

happened to

said in a

dream, he met

up at the crack

to hear the news that Annabel was thrown out of

the maid said

last night? But his


in the same bed

by curiosity and uncertainty, Cathy went to knock

is ready.Don't you have a meeting

two people who were fast asleep at

felt the warmth of someone else.Her head wasn't on a pillow but on a hard chest.She looked up, only to meet

are you?" Rupert's eyes

"Annabel Hewitt?"

knew her name, Annabel assumed that he was her fiance,

in her room? She was just about to question him again when he uttered, "You came to


was that possible? Was every

went to the men's

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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