Chapter 9 Couple's Tiff

Annabel turned around and saw Rupert walking over with a frown. It was obvious he had been keeping an eye on her the whole evening. "Why do I have to report my every move to you? We are not at work, so you are not my boss. I can do whatever I want!"

Annabel wondered why he was so concemed about her actions. Suddenly, a car came to a halt in front of them. The driver got out and opened the door for them.

Annabel recognized that it was one of Rupert's cars. Looking away, Rupert said indifferently, "It's late now. It's unsafe to take a taxi alone Let's go back together. If anything bad happens to you, people will accuse the Benton family of not taking care of you."

Annabel frowned and uttered, "Thanks, but no thanks. I can take care of myself.”

Just as Annabel moved away to hail a taxi that was speeding by, Rupert grabbed her wrist and ordered, "Get in the car!"

Staring at her dead in the eye, he added, "Since you will be staying with me for three months, I'm responsible for you. Don't get me angry now!" In simple terms, he didn't give a hoot about her. He was just doing it for selfish interests.

The frown on Annabel's face deepened. She shook off his hand and got into the car.

the three months. Now that she saw that he had a bad temper and wasn't

her grandpa be so blind that he

the hall. Standing behind a pillar, she watched the two get into the

out of nowhere and took my spot. I'm the only one that

You want to be friends

the other end of the line was Nina—the head of the secretarialdepartment in Benton Group. She was lucky to meet

“Well, it's simple. It's about Annabel. I hear that she's in your department. You should find it easy to make her life a living hell,right?\ After a pause, Heather continued, \After this, I'll

for her, she uttered excitedly, "You are so generous.


any concern for Annabel at work. Even the other employees isolate her. Making her suffer will be a piece of cake for

sang whenshe heard that Rupert

reward once everything is done. Don't let me

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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