Wolf President Hooks Up

Chapter 171: Spending Money On on You Makes Me Really Happy

“Oh my God! Is that a mafia boss? He looks majestic.”

“What? Hah! Have you ever seen such a young and handsome mafia boss? Haven’t you ever watched TV? The mafia boss is always the strong looking old and ugly man.”

“Why are there so many people around him?”

“Those are his bodyguards. Please, stop being so stupid. I can see you have never seen this before but can’t you just use your common sense?”

“The girl in his arms is so lucky! How did she get to be with such a rich and handsome man?”

Some girls who are shopping start to gossip excitedly.

But their gossip is only filled with theirm drooling over Emmett’s good looks and jealousy over Elaine’s luck.

Elaine has long been aware of the unusual scorching gazes from her surroundings. She hurriedly struggles to get free, not wanting to be seen in public with Emmett in such an intimate position. However, Emmett doesn’t let her go.

“Hey! We shouldn’t be stuck together this close. Can’t you let go a bit? Just stay away a little.”

“Stay away? Why? We have already had sex. I know every bit of your body and you know every bit of mine. We are that close; how can we keep a distance then?”

Elaine’s ears tuns bright red.

Emmett is an expert at shutting her up with his dirty words.

And she doesn’t even dare to retort to such vulgar words.

Some of Emmett’s beautiful hair are resting on half of his forehead; his eyes look as deep as an ocean, making many girls want to drown in them.

“Come. Come on and see what kind of cellphone you like the best out of these brands. Choose the one you want.”

Emmett brings Elaine closer to the cellphone counter, still holding her, and taps the counter glass with his long fingers.

Elaine pouts thoughtfully, as she leans over the counter and looks down.

“Uh! I don’t know. Pick anyone, I don’t care.”

“Show us your best and most expensive cell phones, that are popular among women.”

Emmett says to the attendant behind the counter lightly; at the same time casually running his fingers through Elaine’s hair, gathering it behind her neck.

His movements are so gentle, that it breaks the hearts of many of the girls around them.

“Sure, President Smith!”

The attendant nods and smiles at him in a flattering way.

President Smith?

Elaine is bewildered, “How does she know you?”

don’t you know? The center of everyone’s attention

and teases Elaine; she rolls her eyes as her lips curl

wrist to check the time, and

by Oliver and Emmett owns some of the shares here. He occasionally comes to visit the board of directors and cut a ribbon here or there

his visit here today is not

is here because an hour ago he received a call saying that Oliver has already been discharged from the hospital and will be going to

me, how can I just

his phone, flipping it in his hands. Every now and then he glances at that

Elaine I can only choose one, then I choose Elaine. I will try my best to win over her heart. Will you dare to compete with me?” –

really going to break off our friendship for


Smith, is not afraid of

send a reply back to Oliver; he doesn’t see

Oliver kissing Elaine passionately makes his

get his

can’t ignore you this time… It’s my woman, she’s

his thoughts, he lowers his head to look down

uses them a little. However, she still can’t figure out which one she

you decided which

slips his hand from her shoulder down to her waist, tightening his

small exquisite body

are too expensive. I don’t want such an expensive one, just a regular one around

better, “Can you not consider the price

a lot of debt. I still owe you a

in Italy. Wait until we get back to the company, I will make you burn that contract with your


my money on you. What makes me feel uncomfortable is you not spending

face of Emmett’s next-level eloquence,

That time, that promise

these are a bit too expensive. I

are an extraordinary student… You are Emmett Smith’s woman. My woman

Elaine cringes.

woman in every sentence, okay?

I’ll take this

points to a cellphone under the counter and

his body almost covering hers as he

hundred yuan. That’s

one choosing a phone here? Me

let me choose. If I leave it up to you, you will just end up choosing a terrible

just blurts

stop doing this. It

kisses her on the top of her head, then tells the attendant, “We will

eye. This is the latest model that has just been released, with great functions and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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