Wolf President Hooks Up

Chapter 188: Gathering of the Rich

Hazel was so funny!

Lucas almost hit the green belt as he laughed.

He stopped the car and held back his laughter, “Alright, you have many admirers. You have gang-banging every day. Hey, tell you what. I’m supposed to go to a dinner party tonight. It’s held by my friend and many famous people in the city will attend. Some of the executives in my company couldn’t go as they’ve gone abroad. I’ll give you the tickets. You can invite your friends and have some nice buffet dinner over there. Their buffet dinner is superb.”

“What?” Hazel was dumbfounded as she didn’t expect Lucas to say that. She thought Lucas was going to insult her.

“The buffet dinner over there is really nice. The hotel is going to serve their best food tonight. It’s going to be a waste of the tickets if you don’t go. But of course, that is under the condition that you have time to go, Ms. Hazel. Why don’t you ditch your admirers and go to that dinner with me?”

It’s rare to see Lucas being so soft-spoken and coaxing a woman.

Hazel smiled after hearing Lucas’s offer, “Fine. I’m only going because you invited me sincerely.”

For some reason, Lucas’ heart raced after Hazel agreed to go to that dinner with him. He felt his blood running faster than usual.

“Alright. I’ll wait for you at the entrance of the hotel after half an hour.”


Hazel ended the call and felt relieved.

“Hey, what are you guys doing? Why are you covering your face?”

Elaine covered her face with her bag while Sally covered hers with a plate.

“It’s all because of you! This is so embarrassing. Why are you shouting in the restaurant? Argh! We shouldn’t have hung out with you,” Sally complained.

Hazel recalled what she said when she was in furry. Her face flushed red, then she pulled her friends out and left the scene.

The rays of the dawn lay between the clouds. Everyone seemed to be heading to their destination in a rush.

“My bad, alright? I embarrassed you guys. Let me treat you guys a five-stars hotel buffet dinner for tonight, alright?” Hazel said excitedly with her hands on her hips.

“Stop lying. You don’t have the money. Is this a trick?”

Sally didn’t believe Hazel and pouted.

“Come on. It’s my treat!”

Hazel was too excited. She called for a cab and got Elaine and Sally into the cab.

When three of them stood in front of the grand hotel entrance, they were fascinated.

The decoration of the hotel looked luxurious. A long, red carpet set on the ground and some handsome waiters were standing at the entrance, welcoming the guests. Celebrities in the city, whom were always seen on the TV, walked out of premium cars and entered the hotel.

“Gosh! Is this a gathering for rich people? Are we even in the right place?”

Sally asked Hazel softly.

expect to see such a scene either. She replied anxiously, “I didn’t know anything about this. I don’t know what to do now. I will definitely kill him if I find out that

I think castrating him is an even

hotel lobby with a few people. However, when they are about

when he saw Hazel, Elaine

thought you haven’t arrived,” Lucas smiled at Hazel. He looked surprised when he saw Elaine tagged along. Lucas

felt awkward meeting Lucas. She lowered her

my ticket? I will peel the skin on your face if you lied to

matter. I don't rely on my handsome face to make a living after all. Hahaha”

three tickets out of

behind Hazel. She cheered secretly behind Hazel’s

You guys can go in and eat as much as you like. Since

brightly and wave at Lucas, “Alright!


had spoken to many people. After a while, a luxurious car drove into the hotel

followed next. She held onto

Lucas was shocked!

would meet

Emmett would bring

brought Elaine

him if he

walked into the hotel,

another bad news arrived.

“Master Young is here!”

when he

was wearing a set of a white suit. Oliver looked neat and elegant. He smiled and approached Lucas when he saw him standing at

here. Do you know who is the host of this

looked even fairer in his white suit. He had got his bandages off and his left arm looked a lot better. However, he would still

“You…You are here too?”

Lucas felt breathless.

the hell was

Emmett, Juliana, Elaine, Oliver…

this gathering dinner is to welcome an important person, and most of the significant person in the city are here. Shouldn’t I be here too?

almost fell down onto

that he had brought Elaine to the

Lucas thought this was just an ordinary dinner gathering. He didn’t even listen to what his secretary

knew this

“I’m finished this time!”



You head in first. I’m

walked to a corner and

to get Elaine out of here as

if he had to kneel

the place

you know how a hero

died of running out

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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