Wolf President Hooks Up

Chapter 200: I’m Still Pursuing You

Wrapped in a white towel, Elaine looked like an angelic fairy while blinking her big watery eyes.

Elaine murmured, “Clothes... my clothes...”

“Okay, wait a minute.”

Emmett closed the door first so that nobody could see the beautiful scene inside, and he shouted, “Oliver, Elaine just showered. Where are her clothes?”

“Clothes?” Oliver blinked his eyes and replied immediately, “Oh, I took it for dry cleaning. I’ll ask the maid to send her clothes up now.”

The maid brought the washed clothes up. Oliver wanted to send her clothes in, but he was stopped by Emmett. Looking at Emmett’s gloomy and determined face, he could only give up the idea of entering the room to see Elaine. He passed the clothes to Emmett and Emmett handed it to Elaine through the crack between the door and its frame.

Oliver shook his head and sighed, “Emmett... this time... perhaps you have fallen in love with her too? I’ve never seen you so nervous towards any woman.”

Emmett smiled and remained silent.

In love, actions spoke louder than words.

After Elaine finished dressing, she lowered her head and walked out embarrassedly.

Oliver immediately greeted her with a smile and asked considerately, “Elaine, did you sleep well last night?”

Elaine bit her lips and blushed.

Emmett knew Elaine too well. He knew what thoughts she was having in her mind, so he relieved her and said, “Don’t worry, it was Oliver’s maid who took off your clothes yesterday. Oliver is a righteous man. He won’t take advantage of you when you’re unconscious, right, Oliver?

Emmett flattered Oliver first, so that if this kid wanted to violate Elaine in the future, he would feel guilty.

Oliver nodded, “Yes, Elaine. Don’t worry. You’re my precious, the person I love most, I wouldn’t disrespect you. You were drunk last night. I was afraid that if I’ve sent you home, your parents might scold you. So I brought you to my house and asked the maid to bathe you.”


Only then, she was relieved. However, she still felt shy and said, “I’m really sorry, I drank too much last night... I’ll be careful in the future, it’s too humiliating.”

Oliver smiled brightly, “It’s alright, and it’s not humiliating, not at all. Most people wanted to be drunk when they are unhappy. It’s completely understandable. I arranged someone to send your friends back home too. Don’t worry about it.”

Emmett took a few looks at Elaine and said, “Oliver, could you give us some time alone? I have something to talk to Elaine.”

The corner of Oliver’s mouth began to twitch.

Of course he didn’t want to let them be alone!

Screw it. They were in his house, why should he let them have a conversation in private?


disappointed, so he nodded his head, “Okay then... but! Don’t you


they had just

words, alright? Don’t worry, I just want to say a


and Emmett were left

her sadness welling

now, she actually forgot

her and treated her as if she was nothing.

heart, she was just a tool to

was really just a little

he had denied it before, his action

that everything had calmed down, she realized how

that they just had, she


when Emmett violated her, she experienced the pleasure of

hate Emmett.

want? You already had that Juliana, why did you still want to lay your hands on me? From now on, don’t touch me anymore. If you’re aroused, go find your Juliana,

heart was completely

had never felt this

acted, how much they cried or fooled around,

trembled after hearing

and said, “I’m telling you officially, you’re not my

want to be your woman. I’m not a woman of noble character,

anyone. Didn’t we agree on the three-month deadline? You can’t break your words


we are

me that you’re just putting on a show, men always use this phrase to fool women! Juliana already said that you two were going to have good news. You’re going to marry her, right? Since you’re getting married soon,

to marry a pig, of course she has the final say. But if she want to marry me, she definitely doesn’t have the final say! We are just

you. Anyway, just stop messing with me in

I can’t...” Emmett smiled and pulled Elaine into his embrace. He rubbed her plump lips with his hand and


mess with you, who should I find to get laid? You can’t watch me die of lust, right? Just believe me,

this strong man away and said, “Stop behaving like this... I don’t want to have anything to do with

much alcohol if you know you’ll get drunk. Did you know why I broke into Oliver’s house last night? You dummy, if I didn’t arrive on time, you

and she thought, if Oliver had violated her when she was drunk... then her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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