Chapter 97 She Is Set On Wright… +50 Bonus The bespectacled man at the front, who wore a plaid shirt, asked Maverick, “Sir, we are all tourists here.

We have been trapped here for days because we got lost.

We’ve also lost our luggage and are starving.

Do you know how to get out of the mountains?” Maverick remained silent.

He only made eye contact with the man.

His deep, dark eyes gave no hint of what he was thinking.

The man glanced at his subordinates behind him and continued to ingratiate himself with Maverick.

“Sir, it seems like you’re also planning to leave the mountains.

How about we travel together? It would be nice to have each other’s company and support.

” In contrast to the man’s enthusiasm, Maverick appeared to be very indifferent.

He carefully examined the seven or eight men standing behind the man in the plaid shirt.

Coming from a military background, Maverick was instinctively wary of the sudden appearance of strangers.

This group of people claimed to be tourists that had lost their luggage.

However, the dirt on their thes seemed fresh, making the group not look like they had not changed their clothes in days.

It appeared as if the stains were deliberately added.

Although they were staggering and had to support one another, the brightness in their eyes showed no signs of hunger from not eating for days.

He furrowed his brows, and his face darkened.

Something is off about this group of people.

His subordinates, who were standing beside him, quickly noticed the change in his expression and also became vigilant.

Maverick’s lips curved into a thin smile as he replied, “No need to accompany me.

We’re not going the same way.

” He turned his head and prepared to leave.

“So, where are you headed? It’s not a bad idea to make some friends while we’re out and about.

” The man in the plaid shirt remained enthusiastic, stepping forward to pat him on the shoulder.

But before he even made contact, his hand was tightly gripped by Maverick.

The atmosphere on both sides suddenly became somewhat odd.

gripped him with one hand while his other hand attempted to reach into

but the handle of the brand-new knife in his

let out a sneer, his dark eyes cold as

a new blade, I doubt you’re


his face turned Chapter 97 She Is Set On Wright…

don’t even think about leaving alive!” After saying that, he pulled out a

to the side, and the two

the others also grabbed

brawl right there and then, creating

and after finally calming Sheralyn down, she went to the

office when a coffee cup suddenly landed and shattered at

she arrived, she had already heard about the Wright Construction Group’s

walked up to Frida with

thing, but it’s not

” Frida’s head throbbed.

eyes, enjoying the massage while soothing


I’ve looked into it.

small company on the

just a few days

they’ve even managed to win the bid for the western outskirts of

be more to it

Frida opened her eyes and lovingly held

entrust this

more effort into finding out who the real

lure them into joining Wright Construction Group, as long as they hand over

” Samantha frowned.

up being their own boss to work for Wright Construction

be of use to Wright Construction Group, then kick her, and her

Frida, but…” Samantha hesitated, her expression slightly

“What’s wrong?” Frida asked.

now, my position at Wright Construction

believe in me, and if this continues, I’m afraid I won’t be able to help you much, Aunt


her hand and generously offered,

” Samantha was overjoyed.

“Thank you, Aunt Frida.

went straight to the relevant departments to

she requested the HR

to strike the right balance, asking

control over the HR department would make it easy for her to plant her own people in the company, while the finance department was

these two departments in her hands, it would only be a matter

Construction Group, I

deal with is the despicable woman, Gwendolyn, who made me lose face

not let herself get

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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