Chapter 201 A Nightmare It was Jasmine’s first time encountering such a shameless man, and she was shocked into silence.

Standing at the side, Gwendolyn felt like she was about to die from laughter.

Jasmine was too spoiled by her family, so she was used to having her way all the time.

Unexpectedly, she faced her first-ever setback because of Maverick.

“Gwendolyn…” Jasmine looked at Gwendolyn with a pout, her eyes watery.

Though she wanted to complain more, she was worried that her acting would be less convincing than Maverick’s.

Gwendolyn’s expression gradually turned serious as she met Jasmine’s eyes.

“Jasmine, he’s right.

He only listens to my orders.

You’re staying at my place, eating here, and using my things.

Now, you even want to hit my person? Aren’t you being too much?” Jasmine froze.

“This is not the Newton residence.

Although I consider you to be my little sister, I won’t coddle you without a bottom line.

” “Gwendolyn…” “I’m going to Salinsburgh tomorrow, and you will go with me.

I’ll book a plane ticket for you.

” “What? I’m leaving tomorrow already? I’ve only been here for less than three days! Gwendolyn…” Gwendolyn ignored Jasmine’s efforts to act cute.

If she didn’t bring Jasmine back to the Newton residence, the latter would have to stay with Maverick on her own for two days at the seaside villa.

“You’ve been away from home for days, and it’s time to return.

” Gwendolyn pushed Jasmine’s shoulder, a bit annoyed.

“Go upstairs and change before you come back down.

Who are you trying to seduce, walking around in a nightgown?” Jasmine pouted and climbed the stairs reluctantly.

Once she was gone, Gwendolyn turned around to face Maverick.

He seemed to be in a good mood as his eyes twinkled with delight.

Shooting him a glare, Gwendolyn sneered, “How does she look in her nightgown? Gorgeous?” Maverick raised his hands in submission and protested, “I’m innocent! I didn’t even notice what color she was wearing.

Besides, you’re the sexiest woman in this world for me.

I only like looking at you.

” Gwendolyn did not like hearing such cheesy words.

She changed the topic, chiding, “I can’t believe you pitched yourself against a twenty-year-old girl and put on an act like that.

better to do? Then, she

broke my glass, so

right, I

amount enough?” Maverick coaxed, gazing at Gwendolyn

“I guess.

her brow and

radiant, smiling face, he tried to

the urge to pull her into his

have the chance to

breakfast, Gwendolyn surprisingly did not leave for

rested at home the entire day and prepared for her trip to Salinsburgh the next

matters on her phone while a

and sat on the one-seater at the side, quietly peeling the

the other bodyguards set up a swing for her

always passed

next day, Gwendolyn and Jasmine packed their things

carried Gwendolyn’s luggage downstairs while

decided to accompany them

had agreed to meet at the

offered to see Gwendolyn off at the airport, she

to go to Wright Construction Group while I’m in

is there, so everything will


asked William, Quinton, and Justin to stay behind and

bring more people since you’ll be there for

Justin in

no need for so many bodyguards since I won’t go

of them won’t be able to stop

made sense

she brought William and Quinton with her and left Justin

already sitting in

turned to open

Before she could continue, Maverick enfolded her in

care, and remember to

“Yeah,” Gwendolyn responded calmly

be away for two

not like we’re going to be

being so dramatic? Nevertheless, she

go of him, she opened the door and got into

Maverick stood in the same spot and watched

at his intent

Wright, Ms.


is cold,

a word,

only return to the villa

joined Gwendolyn at the airport, and the group soon embarked

brought over a blanket and draped it over Gwendolyn, who was staring

gesture as her gaze

anxious after boarding, and her eyelids would not stop

her discomfort, Treyton passed

you’re just worried since you’re returning to Salinsburgh secretly after so

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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