Wooing My Ex-Wife

Chapter 167

Chapter 167 A Pet For Her Revenge A sudden sharp pain coursed through Maverick’s body as a gunshot sounded.

The pain didn’t come from his chest, but from his right arm.

His eyes shot open, and he looked down to see a streak of blood on his white shirt.

A bullet had grazed his arm.

All of a sudden, the clamor behind him ceased.

He glanced back and saw Natasha still in the same aggressive stance, ready to attack.

Her expression gradually turned from ferocious to numb as a bullet had pierced through her chest.

Blood bloomed like a vibrant poppy flower and stained her dress crimson.

Natasha paused for a moment.

At the sight of blood on her chest, she turned deathly pale.

Her eyes rolled back, and she collapsed and fell unconscious.

Slow, loud claps could be heard from the doorway just then.

Charles looked at Gwendolyn with admiration shining in his eyes.

“You’re too modest, Gwen.

You still have such accurate aim even though you haven’t touched a gun in years.

You truly are my student,” he praised.

Gwendolyn tossed the revolver in her hand aside.

Her expression was stone cold under the dim light of the kerosene lamp, and she didn’t respond to Charles at all.

Maverick remained in the same spot and met Charles’ gaze.

Charles laughed sarcastically, but it was unclear whether he was laughing at Maverick or himself.

“You win.

We just played a game where Gwen had to choose between you and this woman.

Even after you came to the suburbs this late to meet your ex-lover behind her back, she still chose you.

It’s making me envious,” he remarked.

“A game?” Maverick repeated, feeling a chill run down his spine.

He pursed his thin lips and scrunched his brows as he looked at Gwendolyn.

She didn’t look at him but instead stared at Natasha, who had fallen to the ground.

“Is this what you wanted to see? Is it fun?” Gwendolyn asked Charles.

fun, because I’ve upset you,” Charles

of desolation, and his voice softened

you’re still young, so it’s understandable that you

you for as long

it deeper than your relationship with this man?” Maverick’s brow


not looking at any of

the cabin, she said,

Newton, since you requested this game, I’ll leave you to deal with

steps forward before noticing Maverick wasn’t

want to walk


Charles, their gazes


on the way back to

one took the initiative

carefully turned his head to

the window with a blank expression

unclear what she


aiming for Natasha and not him, he felt a

in the car was too much at the moment as it

didn’t even dare to

invisible boundary between them, and gently

still staring out the

coughs and complained,

cause of the injury,” he tried

air remained

at the wound on his right arm

big issue, just

it seemed like Gwendolyn was

thick that William felt he could cut through

Maverick was completely unaware of it

I had Neville keep an eye

I followed Natasha’s

didn’t go there to have a

to get some clues from her to find out who

Gwendolyn narrowed her eyes but continued to purse her

was actually thinking about

always followed him around

occurred between them

she was

so unfamiliar this time…

deep in thought, Maverick quietly watched her from

soon arrived

car door and walked to the

remembered something and

mostly recovered, return to work at

you made has not yet passed,” she


followed closely behind

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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