Chapter 207 The Devastating Truth Nico recomposed himself before continuing, “Mr. Wright was actually… the captain of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Team Fourteen.

There was an urgent summon from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and they never do this unless there’s something major happening.

But Mr. Wright didn’t want to leave without saying goodbye.

He wanted to do one last thing for you, so he requested to report to the bureau three days later.

The injuries he sustained were the punishment he received for going against orders.

” There was civil conflict at that time.

The collapse of a regime would happen at any time, and the change of power was imminent.

It had been a massive incident.

Yet, Maverick had chosen to stay for three more days, even if it meant that he was going to be punished.

Nico suppressed his heartache and said, “It was thirty whips.

He was whipped until he vomited blood, and in the end, the executioner could not bring himself to continue to do it, so he only whipped Mr. Wright twenty times.

” Gwendolyn was confused as she looked at the bloody shirt in her hands.

“What kind of whip could make him vomit blood in twenty strikes?” “It’s not an ordinary whip; it’s a whip with steel wires wrapped around it.

The whip has barbs on it, and even a gentle stroke could make the skin a bloody mess.

The executioner had not shown him any mercy as every time the whip struck him, it went deep into his flesh.

Mr. Wright barely had any spots for the executioner to strike because of his burns, so the last five strikes had been on his lower back…” Nico trailed off, unable to continue anymore.

He was livid and heartbroken.

Gwendolyn did not dare to imagine what the scene was like.

Even hearing about it was making her feel the pain.

His back was already covered in wounds, so how did he withstand such a severe punishment? No wonder things went south for him this time.

He went to kill for me despite his grievous injuries.

Did he not think about how he might die? Her throat tightened, and she gripped the blood-soaked shirt until her knuckles went white.

Nonetheless, Nico was right in front of her, so she forced her tears away.

his boss when he saw no tears from Gwendolyn

unlucky to have fallen for such a

a subordinate and an outsider to the incident, so he

a sigh, he said with as much calm as he could muster, “To be honest,

I’ll be leaving.

Wright’s subordinate, and now that he’s gone, I’m going

come back to Fairlake

Take care of yourself.

stared at him

his sorrow-filled eyes, Nico then turned to

took two steps before a wave of

love another the moment they’re

Wright thought he was indebted to Natasha, so he forced

he had already fallen

him during your plane incident without Mr.

while being pursued by Mr. Asher, he searched for

you sought revenge on him,

every time you were in danger,

a complaint, even when you hurt

his own dignity as a man

not… feel anything at all after all that?” Nico’s words

agony was so intense she felt

teeth had left bloody marks on her lower lip as overwhelming guilt and self-blame

Her voice was hoarse when she squeezed out

tucked away the emotions in

Gwendolyn hugged the bloody shirt as tears rolled

filled the

sudden, the memory of the day they came back from

he had sat with

that he did not dare to lean back

the stairs, he had been taking

so she was certain every step he

time ever, he did not cook right

he was tired, and Gwendolyn finally realized that he must have

hammered her

onto the ground spoke of her

I never once noticed it… That night, he had squeezed himself

did she coldly

Nico was right.

said a word about the cruelty she had

would put aside all his pride to plead

said, “No… Just let me hug you for a

shaky, but he was still greedily drinking in the feel of being in her arMs. Why didn’t he tell me that he was so badly injured? Was he afraid that I’d feel guilty? Was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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