Chapter 44 Ugly Photos Jerome paused, and the Crowd fell silent as they waited expectantly for him to continue.

+25 Bonus All of a sudden, his expression became quite grave.

“I believe that everyone is aware of what happened.

to Mossey Group a few days ago.

I am devastated by it, but for Mossey Group to continue to prosper, I have decided to make this announcement tonight, The new heir to the company is none other than Natasha.

” At the end of his speech, he turned around and motioned for the crowd to look up.

Natasha had already changed into a pastel yellow gown, the fluffy curls of her hair sitting perfectly on her right shoulder.

Even her makeup had been touched-up, making her seem more refined.

A smile was etched onto her gentle and elegant face.

It was as if the incident from before had not occurred at all.

When the guests saw her, they promptly began to applaud.

Given the incident from earlier, Natasha repressed her willfulness and walked down the stairs at a measured pace.

She slowly made her way to Jerome to give him a big hug which showcased their familial ties.

Afterward, Jerome walked away and let her take the stage.

Natasha held the microphone in her hands.

Under the spotlight, her eyes appeared reddened, and she could not contain her excitement.

“I would like to thank my parents for giving me the opportunity to make contributions to Mossey Group.

I will do my best to learn the ropes and bring the company to greater heights.

I would also like to thank everyone for attending the banquet this evening.

I hope that you all have a lovely time.

” Thinking that Natasha’s speech was over, the guests below applauded again.

However, she was merely taking a breather.

With visible embarrassment on her face, she continued to speak.

“I do think that many of you are aware of this, but I want to extend this invitation to everyone while I have the chance.

In one month’s time, I will be engaged to the CEO of Wright Construction Group.

Maverick Wright.

The engagement ceremony will be held at The East, and I hope that everyone will attend to bear witness to our love.

” Bliss was written all over Natasha’s face as she said those words, and she gazed sweetly at Maverick.

However, from the corner of her eye, she stole a glance at Gwendolyn.

Joaquin heard the announcement, he subconsciously turned to

expression on her face as she sipped leisurely at

worried, he tried

this scumbag isn’t

hasn’t even been divorced for that long,

good that you left

problem? It’s clear that she’s trying to humiliate you by deliberately

What a scheming b*tch.

His grumble amused Gwendolyn,


Ugly Photos else that

Bonus From

Gwendolyn and Joaquin laughing and chattering

b*tch is

she think I’m nothing to her? A hint

bow to the crowd, she got off the

Natasha greeted

a bottle of wine, ready to top off their glasses in the event of

group after another, Natasha offered toast to guests clustered into knots

quickly, she arrived

interacting with everyone else in

and looked at Gwendolyn with a

do think you’re a magnanimous person won’t

also raised her wine glass and leveled her gaze

“Then, perhaps you don’t know me as well as you think,

and I always believe in


point of view, they seemed to get along

after hearing me share my love

for three years, but

Tsk, tsk.

You’re so pitiful.

smiled gaily at Gwendolyn, but her

latter sneered at her in

I don’t

you have terrible eyesight and can’t tell between

bet your taste

” Natasha’s smile froze.

earlier still lingered in

she tightened her grip around the wine glass and

“Don’t be too complacent.

no telling who will

the hook so easily!” Natasha smiled so innocuously, yet she let out the genilest

but before that, there’s something I’d like to share

backward to maintain a suitable distance

would that be?” she


her phone

amusing?” she queried, quirking her lips into a playful

was a single glance at the picture for Natasha’s blood

longer suppress

taunt me Natasha was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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