Chapter 6

Adeline shook her head at once.

"Never! I’ve never even had a boyfriend, so I never would’ve received a ring from anyone.I’ve never slept with a man, either.I’m still a virgin!"

She was secretly pleased about her response.It was clearly a test, and she had passed with flying colors.

Even if she had dated over a dozen men, she would not come clean about it.

Isaac’s expression darkened slightly.He thought that Phillip was the one who arranged the incident that took place that night six years ago.

That was why when Phillip woke up and insisted that he marry the Aniston Family’s daughter, he assumed that she was the woman he was looking for.

Now, it was apparent that was not the case.He resumed his distant demeanor and slid a contract over to Adeline.

"Miss Aniston, I’m here today to discuss a deal with you."

Adeline had never encountered a man like him before.

why is he talking about making a deal with me? She eyed the contract in puzzlement.It was three pages long, but

to enter into

to end it sooner if necessary.Before that happens, you are free to enjoy the status that comes with

was enticed by the idea of being Mrs.Arnold and wielding the power that

bachelor in Appleby, and hoards of women would kill to marry him.If she became

Aniston Family would look at her in a whole new light, and her grandfather might even let

with her during that one-year period, she would become the real Mrs.Arnold, and everything would be perfect! She was exhilarated but kept her calm and suppressed her excitement with

"Why me, Mr.Arnold?"

because of her beauty.She stuck her chest out and smiled even more

and I want to

to find that woman, but he

the room, he had left a ring for her and hoped

him into marriage, so that woman would have been someone

to find her! Adeline saw Isaac’s expression darkening, and she assumed that her questions had irked

signed her name on the

marriage? It was still a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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