You Hit My Heart

You Hit My Heart By Kylie Stanford Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Joyce didn’t answer, “You admit it?”Joyce was once again snapped back to her senses. Well, the past was all in the past.“Sick.” She gave a disdainful look, flung her long arms, and pushed him away with force.She just wants to stay away from these so-called powerful, rich, upper-class people.These consortia, all of them, had delusions of victimhood.She was an orphan girl, and that made her a gold-digger to them.But no one had asked her if she was willing to climb high?Suddenly, Justin’s call came faintly from not far away.“Joyce.”With the opening of the door to the room, and the sound of wheels rolling as the wheelchair turned.Joyce was startled to see that it was Justin who was pushing the wheelchair out.He must have heard her phone call and came out to look for her.Damn!“Come on, what exactly is the purpose of your visit here?” Luther felt extremely irritated that he was being ignored.“Joyce, are you still there?” Justin called out again, “I just heard your voice.”Joyce was immediately anxious. She must not let Justin see Luther, especially under such a confusing situation. There was no way she could explain it clearly. The most important thing right now was that Justin had to be at ease with his surgery. Nothing should be allowed to irritate Justin.In a pinch.She yanked Luther hard, pushed open the emergency access door beside her, and dragged him to the stairwell.When the emergency access door closed, she just felt her heart pounding.“Joyce?” said Justin, pushing his wheelchair and gradually approaching.“The hell … you are,” Luther had just opened his mouth when Joyce put a firm hand over her lips.He shook

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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