You Hit My Heart

You Hit My Heart By Kylie Stanford Chapter 27

Chapter 27

the feeling that she wanted to fight, but did it in a wrong way. Obviously, she wanted to sarcastically insult the woman in front of her, but couldn’t find a proper way to do so.There was a kind of low profile that was greater than a high one.Luther has never show the outburst before. Because of her, his champagne was spilled.Martha, who was sharp-eyed and trying to deflect the embarrassment, immediately went over to her and said in a delicate voice, “Luther, let me help you.” She took out a handkerchief and got close to him.The strong, pungent smell of perfume was something Luther would have liked to avoid.Joyce, however, pushed Luther at her convenience.Coincidentally, the entire glass of champagne in Luther’s hand was poured on Martha’s chest.Spectacular! It was like, from the valley slowly flowing down the stream, all the way to the bottom of the skirt.“Ah” With a scream, Martha took a step backward and her smile froze. She was embarrassed at the moment, holding her handkerchief. “You might wipe yourself first.” Joyce suggested it with calm and collected face.Martha couldn’t say a word. Her expression twisted. She knew it was Joyce who did this to her, but after all, it was Luther who poured the wine on her. she couldn’t even complain but clench her teeth and hold back, “Sorry, excuse me.”Martha turned back and rushed to the dressing room. Damn it. Her image was all ruined by that woman!Now, at last, the banquet was quite a little bit.Joyce smiled at Luther and raised her glass, “You’re welcome.”Luther was dumbfounded and incredulous that she thought he should thank her for helping him get rid of the harassing woman?He picked up a paper towel and wiped his hands, giving Joyce a sidelong glance. She looked refreshed.This woman was really tactful. How could she use him to kill two birds with one stone?He was worried about if she would be besieged by celebrities, but it seemed that he was overthinking.Joyce was in a much more relaxed mood as she took one galss of the champagne, ready to take a light sip.“No drinking!” Luther uttered a warning, reaching out to take away her glass of wine.Joyce didn’t move.“Don’t drink if you can’t. And no more

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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