Chapter 259 Stop Playing With Fire

Arissa was still drying his hair when she realized that Benjamin was staring at her.

She followed his gaze and noticed that her clothes were almost transparent.

She turned around with a flushed face to put the hairdryer away.

Benjamin’s eyes glinted with mirth.

“You don’t actually think you can seduce me with that body, right?”

His voice was teasing in a meaner way than usual.

Arissa had had enough of it and turned back to glare at him. “I’m not trying to seduce you.”

“Really? You could have fooled me,” Benjamin said as he continued to stare at her chest.

Arissa glared at him. “My shirt only got wet because I had to bathe you.”

He continued staring at her with an intense gaze.

He was sitting on the edge of his bed with only a robe laid over him which wasn’t even tied tightly. His collar was open, exposing his firm, muscular chest.

She quickly looked away and felt her face grow even hotter.

Wait! What do I have to be shy about? If he’s not afraid to show it, then why should I be afraid to look at him.

I’m his wife

his amazing figure. As

men would be ashamed at how

slyly. “Take off your shirt

who was

sure it is right for you to boss around a

gritted her teeth at the sight

walked over with a large smile. “Since Mr.

his robe and slid it off slowly, purposely letting her fingers

stomach tightened and his

his groin that he was


“Stop playing with fire.”

inwardly at


on your word? Didn’t you say you don’t like my figure, and yet, your body is saying otherwise. Aren’t you being a little hypocritical? Well,


Feels pretty good.

and he grabbed her wrist with a

sure you want

wanted to tease him, so she pulled her hand

me to put the ointment on for

glared at her. She’s doing it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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