Chapter 316 You Kissed Me

Arissa finally realized Benjamin was kissing her.

At that realization, her eyes widened with shock as the heat began to spread from her face to her neck.

Benjamin opened his eyes and met her gaze with a burning intensity.

“Close your eyes,” he ordered with a husky voice.

Her heart began thumping louder in her chest, and she squeezed her eyes shut.

He wrapped an arm around her waist and another at the back of her neck, holding her head in place before he leaned in to land his lips on hers.

Her brain was all fuzzy from the passionate kiss. His touch on her back snapped her out of the moment like a bucket of cold water. She shyly yet determinedly pushed him away.

“You rascal!”

She swiftly pulled the blanket over her head, hiding her entire face.

His temper sparked after having his kiss interrupted, but it was quickly extinguished as he observed her adorable actions.

Delight flashed across his eyes.

“You’re the one who kissed me first.”

She immediately pulled the blanket down, staring at his handsome face with disbelief.

“You’re lying!”

is no way I

arched his brow wickedly. “Well, you didn’t push me away when I kissed you

she truly had been drawn into the moment by

a death glare, she snapped, “My brain was still

her. She sat up and looked down

look all that disgusted with me a minute ago.

at the smug expression

hold his intense dark gaze any longer

her gaze first, she swiftly shot him a

she whirled around, then

door fell shut, she patted her face in

to her room to wash up and change. Looking refreshed, she turned down the hall toward the

opened the door silently and peeked


still asleep, she silently closed the door and descended the stairs to

just reached the stairs’ landing when a loud

“Good morning, Mrs. Graham!”

puzzled look, nodding belatedly. “Good morning to

Graham!” Jack chuckled as he fixed

dumb man if it wasn’t for his

about his identity but merely nodded at his praise,

a sideways glance at him, she wondered who


is quite beautiful. She’s a good match

wonder their children are

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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