Chapter 366 Arissa Blacks Out

The midwife froze for a moment before shaking her head in response. “There’s nothing else. That’s all I know!”

After listening to the woman, Arissa got on her feet. “Don’t worry. I’m not going to do anything to your child.”

“Thank you, Ms. York!” The midwife immediately got so emotional that her eyes welled up.

After that, Arissa looked away without a hint of sympathy for the woman.

Since she was a mother herself, Arissa would never involve the children or harm them in any way.

Arissa almost tripped at the door when she left the detention center, so Bradley quickly ran over to catch her.

“Are you okay, Boss?” Bradley was worried because he noticed how pale Arissa’s face was.

Even though Arissa managed to stand up again with Bradley’s help, she trembled all over.

“Bradley, I…” As hard as Arissa tried, she could not seem to get her words out.

Whatever it

boss inside the vehicle, Bradley hurriedly handed her a bottle

concern when he saw how shaky her hands were while

It was the only reason Bradley could think of that would get

herself before responding to her subordinate, “Bradley, I

not figure out why Arissa would suddenly request him to do such a

her throat before continuing, “I still have another child.

but still somewhat skeptical. “Do you think Danna could’ve lied


Danna took two from me. Since I only have Gavin now, it must mean that she hid the other one from me!” At that point, Arissa got so upset that her whole body started to tremble again. If Danna really did take away two

anybody figure out what

Just try to calm down first. I’ll begin a search

knew that it would take a while to comb the entire country

and the others

to start searching, Bradley turned back to Arissa.

wanted to recall, but as soon as she tried,

the worse the headache got, and before

Shocked that Arissa suddenly passed out, Bradley tried everything he knew to wake

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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