You More Than Anything In The World

You More Than Anything In The World Chapter 394

Chapter 394 Hacking His Phone

Afraid that Benjamin would be angry, Arissa stole a glance at the man and was greeted by the sight of Benjamin’s serious expression.

A large part of her confidence fled her, and Arissa half-whispered, “They didn’t destroy your surveillance system, did they?”

Benjamin shot her a look.

She fell silent.

“Mommy, we didn’t! We just went into the system for the surveillance footage,” Jasper hastily said.

“That’s right. We didn’t do anything. We just took a peek at the information we wanted,” Oliver chimed in.

That made Arissa even more curious. She walked over to her children and crouched down.

“Tell Mommy what were you looking for.”

Promptly, the boys clamped their mouths shut and looked at her guiltily.

Arissa raised a brow.

They’re acting strangely, she thought.

Thus, she lowered her voice and instructed, “Be honest.”

Hearing that, they looked at her before sneaking a glance at Benjamin.

“We just wanted to find out when Danna had brought me back?” Gavin finally whispered.

A shudder wracked Arissa’s body. “Why are you looking into this?”

confused as she was as he

Gavin began worrying

“We want to help


not decipher what he

just hoping

astounded and confounded about how they had found

turned to Arissa and asked, “Did

“No!” Arissa blurted out.

ruffled their hair and queried,

the boys

found out

you overhear our

his eyes

“No way!”

shot him a

your phone,” Gavin confessed

little punk’s gutsy. I can’t believe he’s hacking into my phone

eyes. When she realized that the man had frightened the children, she quickly hugged

reminded them, “You can’t hack into people’s phones like

honest, sometimes she found the children

The boys nodded. “Okay.”

worried about you. We wanted to know why you were crying,” Oliver quickly

relieved by his


want to tell you about it because I was scared you’d be

up. “Mommy, did

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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