Chapter 228

The sound of Isaac calling out “Daddy” surprised Jason so much that he spilled the soup he was holding. His ears turned a shade of crimson the next second. After all his years, that was the first time anyone had ever called him ‘Dad.’

Staring at Isaac, Jason was at a loss for words for a good long while.

Estrella couldn’t help but chuckle at Jason’s startled look and said to Isaac, “Hey kiddo, don’t go throwing that word around. You’ll give him a heart attack.” She then turned to Jason, “Don’t mind him. My boy’s like that. If he takes a shine to someone, he’s quick to call them ‘Dad.”

Jason was flabbergasted. Estrella’s words reminded him of how just yesterday, Isaac was calling Jesse ‘Dad.’

He gave Estrella a look that reeked of judgment and muttered, “He’s starved for affection.” Estrella sipped her soup nonchalantly,. “What can I do? It’s not like I can morph into a dude.”

At a loss for a comeback, Jason just stared at her for a while before continuing to feed Isaac his breakfast.

Isaac watched the banter between them, quietly munching on his food without making a peep, not wanting to interrupt their exchange.

-Mr. Jason, Ms. Estrella did have a boyfriend overseas, but sadly he passed away in a car accident not long after.

Remembering what Drew had reported, and the possibility that Isaac might be the child of another man, Jason felt a pang in his heart. The man was gone, yet she chose to bring the child into the world. That kind of devotion was unmatched.

Jason fed Isaac a piece of chicken and turned to Estrella, asking with a softer tone, “You really liked that guy so much that you’d have his kid even after he was gone?”

Then looking back at Isaac, Jason felt his question might have lacked empathy. The kid looked so much like Estrella.

Estrella smiled, “Yeah, I suppose. Plus, you know I can be a bit superstitious and stubborn when it comes to kids.” If it hadn’t been for those fortune-tellers, she might not have married him.

deep down Estrella knew it clear as day: she had married Jason because of a longstanding affection, their history, and her feelings for him that hadn’t completely worn

the years of

anything more, just gently wiped Isaac’s mouth with a

you’d be good with kids.” If she remembered correctly,

When the kid had lunged for Jason, he had instinctively dodged, and the kid ended up on the floor. And Jason? Not a hint of remorse, didn’t even help the kid up-just skedaddled like he

“Because he’s your kid.”

fell silent. ·

chatter. He wasn’t like Bryce or Jesse,

settled in, the hospital room door swung open again, and a nurse popped her head in, “Ms. Estrella, once you’re done with breakfast, come by for a follow-up.”


not too busy, can you keep an

I’m free,” Jason

for her check-up, Jason and Isaac were left alone in the room. As Jason began to clear the table, Isaac, eager to help, tossed out the trash and handed him

help but smile at Isaac’s helpfulness-the kid was adorable, just like Estrella as

Isaac cuddled up with his unfinished glass of milk and started sipping again with utmost

the kid had an appetite as

a pat on the arm from the little guy,

Jason said, “You’re

Picking up a freshly brewed cup of coffee, he mused,

concerned little frown, Isaac patted Jason’s back, as if to say, ‘Don’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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