Chapter 229

Estrella shot Jason a look of disdain as she noticed his influence over Isaac. It had only been a short while, and Jason had already won Isaac over. Isaac was now keeping secrets from her, avoiding telling the truth.

Skeptically, she sized Jason up from head to toe as he rose languidly from the couch. “I should’ve known you’re not just good at charming women, but you can also sweet-talk kids,” she remarked.

Isaac was her flesh and blood; no one knew her son better than she did. Sweet as Isaac was, he was not one to easily let people into his heart. Yet, Jason had managed to sway him so effortlessly.

Jason bristled at Estrella’s words, shooting her a frosty glance. “If I were that persuasive, would you still be hell-bent on divorcing me?”

After a moment of silence, Estrella waved off the verbal sparring. “Cut the chitchat, Jason. Don’t you have to head to the office? You go on.”

Jason, with his hands buried in his pockets, gazed casually at Estrella. Some things never changed.

He stared blankly at her for a while before his gaze shifted to Isaac. The more Jason watched Isaac, the more he saw Isaac as a two-year-old toddler, especially after their recent interaction. He found Isaac to be brighter than most kids his age, recognizing many words and reading simple messages on his own.

Estrella tensed up as Jason fixed his serious gaze on Isaac, a protective instinct kicking in. She crossed her arms and chuckled, “Are you doubting Isaac’s identity? Thinking that he’s your son?”

Before Jason could respond, Estrella plucked two strands of Isaac’s hair and handed them to him. “If you don’t believe me, go test these yourself.”

Isaac yelped in pain as his hair was plucked, covering his head with his hands.

Jason looked at Estrella as if she were a fool, making no move to take the strands of hair from her.

gust of wind. Seeing this, Estrella sighed. “Honey,

still shielding his head, adamantly refusing to let Estrella pluck any more.

out. Besides, would a hospital test even matter?” He remembered taking her to the hospital years ago where they failed to detect her

at Isaac, she saw her son shaking his head, signaling “No more, mommy.”

of pain tugged at Estrella’s heartstrings, and she gently pinched his cheek. “Sweetie, mommy didn’t mean to hurt you.

Estrella’s words, Isaac firmly stated,

glanced up at Jason with a look that

affectionately, and then turned back to Estrella. “Estrella, I don’t need any tests. And frankly, it doesn’t matter anymore.” The

urging, “It’s getting late. You should go to

his watch, Jason said goodbye to Isaac and left.

slightly, sat on the couch and asked Isaac, “What

laughed as freely as he had been. He gave

grasp that Jason had shown Isaac photos and videos of her own childhood, which had delighted the child so

Isaac’s favorite was always his mother, and he was happiest when he resembled

a bit saddened. “Do you

nodded earnestly, his eyes brimming

brow furrowed in thought, then she murmured, “I’ll figure something out.” For the first time in her tough life, Estrella felt at a loss without a

at her seriously and said,

in disapproval. “That won’t do. Mommy doesn’t like

insisted, “Like

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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